Beyond our bounds Thomas Challenger Orphaned
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Thomas Challenger Orphaned

Life, Death


During the Conspiracy Revolts, Thomas' parents are both killed by Purgers. His knowledge of weapons and martial arts allow him to survive and keep his friends alive until the Military arrives at his school to liberate it from the Purgers' hold

After Action Report, Psychological Assessment
Name of Assessor: Doctor Adam Taylor
Name of Subject: Mister Thomas Challenger
Age of Subject: 13
Address of Subject: [REDACTED]
Date of Completion: 25/2/2036
Time of Completion: 17:34
  Mr Challenger was attending school at [REDACTED] on the 22/2/2036. The school was attacked by 5 "Purgers". Mr Challenger claims that 3 of them were armed with AK-12 Assault Rifles and the other 2 with RPK-12 Support Weapons. This information does line up with the CCTV images recovered by Inferno Squad during the liberation of [REDACTED]. Mr Challenger's detailed recount of the events after the Purgers opened fire in the Reception area is incredibly accurate, down to where 3 shell casings landed that allowed him to locate one of the terrorists. Mr Challenger's recount was delivered with a monotone voice and expression and with very little hesitation. Very little fidgeting as well.
  Mr Challenger claims to have seen both of his parents get shot by the terrorists within 5 minutes of the beginning of the attacks. It is unclear whether their death has been officially confirmed by the authorities. Despite this, Mr Challenger is adamant that it was his parents, as there has been no contact from them since. It is known by investigators that Mr Challenger disarmed and killed 1 of the terrorists with their own weapon, given that the room he was found in contained the body of said terrorist. The effects of witnessing, let alone carrying out, the death of another human may take some time to sink in for Mr Challenger, given that he is still a child. Mr Challenger claims to have killed 2 of the other terrorists before Inferno Squad liberated [REDACTED], however the details of this are still not clear on the official end of the investigation.   I have prescribed anti-depressants to Mr Challenger and suggested he tries to spend a lot of time with his friend Joseph, in order to keep his mind off of things. Once the official report is released about the attack on [REDACTED] I will be able to provide more personal help and advice to Mr Challenger's friends and family.

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