Beyond brumefringe Wars of Lemaroux's Gate

Wars of Lemaroux's Gate


The Grand Cartographer of the Navigators opens a permanent passage through Brumefringe, but did not anticipate the disastrous political response.

The Grand Cartographer of The Navigators, Lemaroux, and a council of his most powerful wizards, worked to open a permanent passage through the fog to the beyond. After twenty years of intense study and multiple expeditions to what was guessed to be the calmest, thinnest region of Brumefringe, Lemaroux and the Navigator succeeded. A small island, only feet above the water, was the site on which the Navigators, with the help of the Marcineaux crown, managed to erect a magical obelisk on which was etched the Navigator's most powerful map. This cleared the fog to the beyond in a narrow passage beyond the small island's shores.
While initially intended to be used internationally, Marcineaux fell into conflict with Falkeswin- Falkeswin's navy was unrivaled in strength and threatened to control and tax access through Lemaroux's Gate. Marineaux alleged this amounted to privateering and a protection racket. Falkeswin seized the island, known as Lemaroux's Landing, and fired upon any ship flying the Marineaux flag - effectively blockading access.
The Falkeswin blockade raised the ire of the other Edeoxen nations, which quickly fell into three rough alliances. While there were several truces, the conflicts that came to be called the "Wars of Lemaroux's Gate" spanned a period of 30 years. They were the first wars fought primarily with cannon and musket - They proved more deadly than the mages and knights of older conflict, though they were still present and effective.
Falkeswin and it's allies lacked the manpower to wage a war against Marcineaux, but with help from the Eastern League, a group of nations and warlords from, unsurprisingly, the eastern reaches of Edeoxes, they managed to resolve the conflicts in what was mostly a white peace. Though notably, this was not before a grand conflict over the gate. Some nations threatened to pull support from Falkeswin unless it moved it's navy to break blockades over major ports in Edeoxes. Falkeswin, instead, wished to keep their might split between Lemaroux's Gate and defense of their island nation. To solve the crisis, Falkeswin pressed the aging Lemaroux to temporarily close the gate, promising that it would help bring about peace.
This proved to be true, but many nations felt that the Navigators had aligned with Falkeswin- had their continental allies withdrawn from the conflict, the peace would have been much more difficult for Falkeswin. Coincidentally, Lemaroux died just days before the final peace accords where signed in 182ME, and other nations were not made aware until after the peace was signed. The subsequent Grand Cartographer set out to reopen the gate, but lacked the arcane knowledge of Lemaroux necessary to complete the task.
Ultimately, the wars did little beyond sew tension among the nations of Edeoxes and advance the knowledge and technology of warfare. The Navigators, once trusted to be relatively impartial and wide spread throughout the nations, started a slowly decline to near irrelevancy. Falkeswin did experience some time of having exclusive access beyond Brumefringe, but it was mostly spent at war and under utilized.

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