Brief Guide: The World Geographic Location in Beyond Brumefringe | World Anvil

Brief Guide: The World

For the sake of brevity, this guide only details the information needed about the world in order to progress through character creation. It is highly recommended that you read in greater detail about the world, especially areas that you choose your character to be from or somehow tied to.
  The world you occupy is known to it's inhabitants as Ejilan. Ejilan is divided into two distinct and separate 'realms' of sorts: The Known World and Beyond Brumefringe. The Known World is a realm of kingdoms and republics, industry and progress, and civil society as most know it. The world beyond Brumefringe is lost to the modern nations of The Known World. A realm of magic, forgotten civilizations, and lost expeditions, the Beyond has become increasingly treacherous and difficult to breach. Even communication through the fog proves exceedingly difficult.

The Known World

Continent: Edeoxes

Edeoxes occupies the northwest quarter of the land masses that make up The Known World. It is the most technologically advanced, ethnically diverse, and politically difficult of the continents. To it's north exist only small, frigid isles, until those too give way to the northern Brumefringe. Separated by a warm sea rife with small islands to it's south and southeast lies the continent Akend. Connected by land to it's far east is the continent Shokinkazi. Notably, it is separated by the Great Divide, a range of mountains with very few navigable passes, which then opens to the great Ocratheis Steppe.
Edeoxes is relatively isolated from the major civilizations of the other continents. While claims have been laid by Edeoxen nations on its neighboring lands, they are mostly left undefended and lawless, devoid of many useful resources that are readily accessible to Edeoxes. Edeoxes has flourished regardless: The nations have developed advanced concepts of statehood, industrial technology, and have involved politics and alliances. Edeoxes is analogous to late 1800s/early 1900s Europe. The climate and geography is varied, but again, use Europe as a rough estimate for this. The continent has begun to shun magic as ancient and less than useful. It is still present and used, but the eras of court wizards have passed.

Continent: Akend

Akend is mostly an arid continent - The northern reaches are mostly desert mixed with chains of mountains. Little water makes for a harsh, mostly lawless region. Some Edeoxen nations have set up small ports and outposts along it's northern shores, but none have permanently penetrated to the more lush and arable regions beyond the great desert. Kingdoms here are isolated and (mostly) despotic - their peoples struggle amongst themselves, but seem disinterested in the technology and trials of Edeoxes.
Akend is analogous to Africa in geography. Some kingdoms here rival Edeoxen nations in power, though they do not possess the same level of raw technology and industry. Akendian peoples rely much more on magic than their Edeoxen counterparts.

Continent: Shokinkazi

Shokinkazi is a vast continent, though much of it's western and central regions are occupied by mountains, endless steppes, and jungle. These areas are mostly lawless, with some warlords and city-states occupying oases, crossroads, and mountain passes, clinging to whatever trade still travels through the middle of the continent. Most of Shokinkazi's population is far to it's eastern shores, where vibrant, diverse cultures thrive. Mostly untouched by major wars (as compared to Edeoxes) in the Modern Era, Shokinkazi has seen economic growth that has pushed their technology to nearly equivalent with Edeoxen nations, though as well they have not shunned magic. Shokinkazi technology is closely tied to magic, leading to bizarre, arcane inventions that succeed where magic or industry alone cannot.
Shokinkazi is geographically similar to Asia, mostly China and southeast Asia. Shokinkazi's civilizations are foreign and exceedingly difficult to reach because of the lawless steppes and pirate ridden, busy, shallow archipelagos in the Regent Sea. Their civilizations are both high tech and high magic. Imagine a sort of high-magic, Asian-themed steampunk motif.

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