The Sunless Mire Settlement in Berkai | World Anvil

The Sunless Mire

The Sunless Mire, is a town on the edge of the world not literally the edge of the world but a place where the firmament, the boundary is weakened. Those that live within the city those that exist in its periphery, its orbit they are all affected in a variety of ways; most fundamentally and by the in traffic nature of the edge of the world. The edge of the world in this case is a secondary plane of existence and that is slowly leaking into berkai through this weakened firmament. As the firmament has weakened due to the continuous entropic energy leaking into this region the inhabitants of this town find themselves starting to slowly fall away from the world. They are slowly becoming mindless drones, the people that simply breathe, this is by no actions of their own.




Generalized anarchy


Quality City lacks any governmental regulation infrastructure or any other relevant system; the people were citizens of the city have formed their own entities their own guilds group parties to oversee the functions that would normally be attributed to the government. The people are responsible for maintaining society in such they the people are the four front defense of the city they are responsible for men in the walls performing the nightly watches observing and handling crime whatever that crime may be within the city. The best way to understand the city's defenses is to imagine that the people of the city that are not affected by living in the city have grown strong from it they are not mutated they are not changed but they are a heart of your people they have grown accustomed to the mental and physical exertion of resisting the generalized stasis affecting the city. show information the defenses of the city or regulated and maintained by the general population and then has not been undermined by the general stasis that persist within the city and has not been essentially numbed to the world.

Industry & Trade

The city is a tradeport of sorts just tradeport is funded through piracy and other black market activities.he City consists of sailors pirates merchants that handle difficult to acquire goods or otherwise Black market merchants. Outside of these people v City people exist as day to day laborers, defenseman, and in general just sort of exist on whatever they can. Money is not a concern within the city however it does make life easier for those that have it people just tend to settle within the city the currency that matters is your contribution to the rest of the people there, your contribution to the society. The people that find or make money within the city or those that profit from external sources food and other goods are not bought but bartered for. Various merchants where they dealing food gear housing magic you name it all have specific crisis or services that they would require of the buyer. Thus the economy of this city is fundamentally incompatible with the rest of the empire.


The city has the necessary utilities for the continuous operation of growth.However there is little else in the realm of public works everything else is either privatized or does not exist. Due to the general lack of government do to the general lack of organization within this city most modern or even medieval infrastructure does not exist is not present in the city.


Given the infrastructural basis or lack thereof the city does not possess any true assets what did you possess is counted in bodies and personnel

Guilds and Factions

The city has no official guilds or factions. This does not mean that there aren't guilds factions Given this the society that exists does so only because the people have sought to enable one the government does not exist infrastructure does not exist the people create everything has a generalized body if there is need of something d society will work to acquire that part, piece, tool, or knowledge.   The four major factions within the city are pirates, smuggler's, former slaves, and those exiled from their lands. He said he is and always will be a pirates safe Haven there were always be pirates and people that are willing to buy from pirates within the city. The smugglers are here because there is stuff to buy for cheap.the pirates keep a steady stream of interesting goods and commodities flowing into town that's making it a lucrative market for the smugglers that choose to operate within the city. former slaves from the archipelago or from berkai find themselves safe here there is no real racism it is not institutionalized within this area everyone is focus more so on themselves there is a general apathy but it is applicable to everyone. the exiled they find themselves without a home this city functions as a home for those that have no other that are not able to go to their home do to a misunderstanding a crime whatever it happens to be this is become their new place of residence and they treasure it.


The Sunless Mire, is a city that was formed by pirates and Black market merchants in the late 800's. The city was a mainland destination for the pirates of the archipelago of treneire, to conduct trade with. Visiting the primary reason of growth the city has expanded but not infinitely expanded they have grown to a size of about 75000 over the course of 300 years. While this may seem slow the city seems to be caught in a localized stasis effect due to a abnormal rift forming just outside the city. This rift formed about 150 years into the time line of the city and has resisted attempts of information gathering since then. The Rift has however produced numerous monsters that plague the night and attack all those who live in the night indefinitely.


The architecture of the city is based on stone block and wood support given their communication with ricotta as far as piracy is concerned they have acquired numerous skilled Masons that have relocated into the city this is allowed the shity to have a more refined sense of architecture they have started to include steel rods into their the buildings as a stack them taller and taller given their limited geographic footprint within the area given the rift and its impact on their settlement.for the most part of the city is still rather plain the buildings are blocky they are not crude architecturally, but crude as in they like flavor they lack a unified aesthetic.


the general area the general geography of this region is that of a swamp trapped between various mountain ranges and a large rift a temporal rift secondary plane of existence that has ended up warping the natural processes of the area around it.

Natural Resources

The city is coastal yet it is also within a swamp like environment does they have plenty of fresh fish, plenty of water, as well as various clays for building. As far as produce is concerned they manage land to the South that is more for tile that is away from the rift and it's static nature.
Alternative Name(s)
The Edge
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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