Witch’s Way Geographic Location in Belthuran | World Anvil

Witch’s Way

Witch’s Way The marsh lands south of Wolfwater, this land was a part of the Pack Straight for a long while before it fell into the hands of Witches long, long ago. According to legend back in that time the area was more than it is now rich and verdant much like the rest of Rhyderia High in the sky rest the Avian Pyramid city of Terantis which was home to the avian races in this case mostly the Kenku before their curse; a flying golden pyramid filled with all manner of treasure and knowledge from the first age. When the Curse of the Crimson Star took place the Kenku were followers of the Ashen King and so were punished, their magic and flight was ripped from them and their city began to fall. Those who could flew away but the Kenku were left to fall. How the race survived is not known but it is said when Terantis fell into the land it caused the ground to sink and the rivers and oceans to pour in filling large swaths of the land with water that would eventually become the swamps that exist now, forever burying the lost city.   In the current age the Witch’s way has become a haven for pirates and ne’er-do-wells of all kinds, no large force can traverse the treacherous paths not can normal siege weapons be brought to bear. Any invading force would have to contend with guerrilla attacks from the inhabitants as well as unrelated monster attacks, most commonly trolls. Tarnish town is the haven for criminals of all sorts despite being well known.  

Tarnish Town

  Small Town; The population of 1,203 is largely human (49%) and half-orcs (20%) with smaller numbers of other races. The city is built largely out of ship parts and floating platforms anchored with stones into the muck below. The leader of the city is known simply as ‘The Mayor’ a rather unassuming title for a very dangerous and ruthless person. All criminals who come to Tarnish Town must pay a tax of sorts to lay low, fence, or repair their ships. This tax in addition to the other means the mayor has adds to their wealth, and rumor has it they bribe a black scaled dragon to aid the Town against attacks. If true, the dragon also can feast on all the putrid meat it could desire given the ease in which blood flows and bodies fall in Tarnish Town. The Mayor does have thugs that work for him as guards though the term is loose as the laws of the land tend to be as well. Judgements are made by The Mayor and are often shortly deliberated and harshly enacted.


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