The Blightbringer Character in Belthuran | World Anvil

The Blightbringer

Mother of the cursed, Father of Plagues

Alignment: Chaotic Evil   Portfolio: Death, Curses, Pain, and Undeath   Worshippers: Necromancers, Cultists, undead   Alignments: CE, NE, LE   Weapon: Pestilence - Scythe   The Blightbringer is the opposite of the Dawn King bringing only death and pain to the world through bad luck, curses, and undeath. The two have a bitter rivalry with their followers killing each other on sight. It is said that in the same moment that the Dawn King first brought light to the world is the same moment that the Blightbringer came into existence a counter to the life that the Dawn King supports. Whether or not that is true matters little to the followers and even the gods for they are without exception enemies the only common ground they share is the battlegrounds in which they fight.   The followers of the Blightbringer are usually either those suffering from plague or disease and looking for relief for themselves at the cost of spreading their pain and sickness to others, or they are necromancers seeking to further their craft. The truly faithful are a mix of the two and the more devout a follower the more plague-ridden the person becomes, regardless of how wretched their form can become with sores, necrotic flesh or other hallmarks of the diseases their body still functions seemingly immune to the pain and death such afflictions should cause. This has caused many communities to take extreme measures if someone should fall very sick at even the first hint of a plague or blight they will often burn the victim alive hoping to prevent the spread. This attitude often only drives more to the Blightbringers' fetid flock.   The most infamous plague is known as 'The Hungering' as it makes the victim hungry, at the moment they don't know what for but after a time everything stops tasting right and doesn't satisfy until they are driven in desperation to cannibalism which does sate them. This plague turns people into ghouls and if not properly laid to rest into zombies. If a town is affected by the plague, they will eat their food stores rapidly, then over hunt, steal and kill for their neighbor's food creating zombies that further plague the town. Eventually, only the cannibals remain. It is a gruesome process and can be hard to identify on its onset early enough to contain.   It should go without saying that open worship of the Blightbringer is under penalty of death in all corners of the Draz Tyran and Mortal Empires, a difference being is the Draz Tyran they use logic to teach the nature of such gods as the Blightbringer as malevolent and dangerous without using fervor and religious zeal to simply proclaim them an enemy.

Divine Domains

Domains: Death, Pain, Undeath   Sphere: Undeath, plagues, sickness, and entropy

Holy Books & Codes

Blighted Lexicon   To create this book the final gasps of the dying are captured in specially created bottles which are later condensed with the ground ashes from burned bones. The book contains a list of every plague the Blightbringer has unleashed upon the world, to the devout followers of the blightbringer the means to create the plague can be found, the same for forms of undead. The Necromancers that follow the Blightbringer take great pride in their ability to weave bone and flesh craft, the Undead Assemblers are their work.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Credit: Bhodeaux/CausticBicaudate

Tenets of Faith

  • Darken the skies and profane the lands.
  • Exhume and reanimate the dead and plague the living with disease and undead.
  • Accept the diseases of the world for they are my blessing, and you will not suffer from my gangrenous touch.
  • Defile the graveyards and temples to the hated Arbiter and Dawn King.
  • All things rot, all things decay bring ruin to that which lives, only the dead are eternal


Bonesinger's Balad: The 'holy' day of the Blightbringer on the winter solstice is the polar opposite to the Dawn King. Those who follow the Blightbringer gather to conjure greater undead. if at all possible they try and sacrifice followers of the Dawn King on this day to earn extra favor with their god. The greatest favor is to turn one of the Dawn King's priests or champions into some form of undead, the stronger the better. It is on the 11th of Frisus.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To bring entropy, death, and plague into the world to snuff out the light of day and life spreading corruption throughout the world and the cosmos.
Symbol by Bhodeaux/CausticBicaudate
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil

Articles under The Blightbringer

Character Portrait image: by Bhodeaux/CausticBicaudate


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