Lunar Phoenix Species in Belthuran | World Anvil

Lunar Phoenix

The Lunar Phoenix is largely considered a myth, but the myth tells of a being that can bring life to death. The Lunar Phoenix is a symbol of hope from disaster. The image of the Lunar Phoenix has become the symbol of hospitals and orders based on healing. The image of the Lunar Phoenix has existed in every culture and is always, in the same way, a bringer of life. No culture has much information on the origins or how they manage this feat.   The eggs of a Lunar phoenix dwell within a crystal garden drawing off the dangerous energies. Not only to grow but to fuel the eventual rebirth of the Lunar Phoenix. This type of phoenix is immune to oversaturation or crystalization. Even more impressive is the power they have known as Genesis. When a Lunar Phoenix enters the last stage of its current life it will find a place where life has devastated. These places are past any hope of restoration by other means. The Phoenix will then prepare the area then disperse its essence over the area. By unknown means their essence restores life as if whatever destroyed the area never happened.  
I once stood upon the threshold of a blighted forest. It is easy for us to forget that the Blightbringer is the enemy of all life not only our civilized life. Her plague was stopped in this forest but not before the damage was done. There was no life within the barren black scarred forest floor. They had burned the forest to stop the spread, but even a burned forest felt more alive than this. This was so barren, so silent it gnawed at your sanity for such a place had no business existing. I stayed the night at the edge of the forest to contemplate life and draw meaning from what I saw. As I gazed up at Shalzura, the forest moon, so opposite of the barren waste before me I noticed an emerald glimmer from the sky. As I turned to look I do not know how I had missed such a sight. A massive bird of glittering and shimmering vibrant emerald feathers circled over the heart of the forest. In absolute silence, not even the beating of wings seemed to disturb the air. This creature flew around the border of the forest several times before flying high. Well above the heart it spread its wings wide and above its head. From the heart of the creature, a pulse of the same vibrant green energy raced out to the border of the forest. When the light had faded and mine eyes could see again the great creature was gone. In its place rained small motes of verdant energy like samara fruit and cherry blossoms dancing in the air. Where these motes of energy touched plants grew in an instant, dead trees revitalized, and grass growing. Before mine very eyes I saw a forest be reborn, life from barren death.   Decades later, I have never forgotten that sight. Alas, mine mind seems unable to process what I saw. I sought out the best painters in the land and tried for hours to impart upon them the essence of what I had seen. They produced masterpieces worthy of any gallery but failed to meet what I needed to see again. I took up painting, learning from the priesthood of the Virtuoso. To mine frustrations, even mine own hand was incapable of understanding what I wanted to see again. It would not be until I chanced upon a rare visit to the Silver College, the Spelldancers of Xoln. These kobolds, of all creatures, had art that was at once story, painting, and play. They used illusions to paint their scenes and other magics to impart emotion. They were performing a play that translated roughly to 'The Phoenix of the Moons and Star', a poor translation on my part to be sure. A tale of two phoenixes the firebird of the sun whose role was to bring light to the world. He would accidentally scorch the world should he dare to look upon his own work. The phoenix of the moons his opposite worked while his gaze was averted and mended what he had burned. At this point, I had forgotten the rest of the play for so entranced was I by seeing the sight I had longed to see again. This phoenix of the moons others knew of it, it had recorded into a play. After the performance I asked the kobolds about the tale and told them mine own. They enjoyed my attempts to regale them and while I stumbled over mine own tongue they listened. Their leader spoke to me saying that I had seen the Phoenix of the moons, or Lunar Phoenix as I translated it. She was a guardian of life in the world and even the knowledge of their empire knew little about her. Tales about how she is the offspring of the Dawn King and the Dreamer or a creation of the Firstborn. They knew only that she existed and that they believe there was only the one.
— Varrick Estorin, Historian
Genesis in process restoring life to a barren land

Basic Information


Thirty feet long with an 80 foot wingspan. tail faithers like long ribbons that extend another 50 feet from the body. The body is covered in feathers that glitter and shimmer with energy. The color of which depends on which of the moons it is attuned to.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is believed that the Lunar Phoenix lays a single egg inside a crystal garden. The egg draws massive amounts of magical energy to grow the egg. Once the egg is ready to hatch the phoenix will enter the Genesis life stage and disperse itself to restore life to an area.

Growth Rate & Stages

No knowledge exists to suggest a growth rate, seemingly they develop based on how much energy the egg can siphon from a crystal garden and when genesis is required.


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