Doom Pass Geographic Location in Belthuran | World Anvil

Doom Pass

The funnel in which the Orcs often flood through to enter the lower lands to the south. This pass is manned by an alliance of elves, dwarves, humans, and any willing to hold back the tide. There is no large-scale stone wall erected to mark the defender’s positions, instead a collection of dwarven made tunnels have been made to connect different posts that function as small outposts for sappers to constantly place and maintain traps designed to thin the numbers of orcs. In the more recent years, an effort to create a wall has begun but it is slow going for not only the size of the wall but the difficulty of Ursand to work in.

Fauna & Flora

Anything that was living and natural here has long since been trodden down by the footfalls of thousands of orcs or drowned in the blood of those slain fighting in the pass. Part of what makes the pass so eerie for people to look upon it is that it is barren save for tattered banners still flapping in the cold breeze.


The pass got its name when the first alliance to turn back the orcs fell into a trap where nearly all were slain in an ambush. Even all these years after the fact the battlefield remains with only the bodies given proper burials, but the banners remain blowing in an eerie wind. The site of the battlefield is considered haunted as it is prowled by malevolent beings seeking to spread southward. The defenders of the pass claim the Phoenix Guard spirits linger here halting the spread of evil south, even to the point that anytime a warm draft is felt it is said to be one of the spirits moving by.


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