Architecture of Savorah

Regardless of culture, there are four tiers of basic design for the people of the world, with each becoming more and more exclusive for those of power and wealth. This isn't to say what the design style as each race and country has their design philosophies   Tier 1 – Peasant/commoner These buildings are very basic often being thatch, wattle, and daub, or on the higher end of the spectrum log cabin style, or basic bricks.   Tier 2 – Middle-Class These buildings have the more staple designs and materials of the area, with Rhyderia as an example they will have stone brick foundations reaching up halfway up the ground floor before switching to plaster and wood. Ursand will use mostly wood for stacked stones with much of the building underground.   Tier 3 – Nobility/Rich These buildings are designed to show off the wealth and influence of the people who own them. Fancy stone floors either in exotic marble or mosaics. These buildings are built large to be imposing and often incorporate magic into their designs such as illusions for views in sitting rooms, or in some cases structural reinforcement allowing for more exotic designs. This is where you will start to see Structural Obelisks which are magical supports to buildings that will orbit around the structure using magic to help support a building.   Tier 4 – Royalty/Mage These buildings are the dwellings of royal families or the personal work of skilled mages who create their own homes. The materials used can be anything but often make a show of using local materials for most of the structure while using exotic ones for prominent accents. Many of the palaces or castles of these rulers defy the ability of conventional construction techniques such as Castle Skycrest in Rhdyeria having towers and segments that are supported only by walkways and Structural Obelisks. The obelisks also are more heavily enchanted often themselves being invisible while also providing wards to the entire structure.   When it comes to mage towers or academies they will prefer far more elaborate enchantments allowing for more area in their buildings than would be thought possible from the outside, even entering pocket planes. In many cases, the Structural Obelisks become a defense system either preventing teleportation or having their magical weaponry to unleash on trespassers.   Structural Obelisks These creations are linked to a point within the building known as the Focal Hearth which is usually the center of the building and often hidden in the floor or wall, but in some cases can be elsewhere. They were created in an attempt to mimic the Silver Spires of Xoln which are poorly understood at best but are believed to be a magical defense. A structural obelisk's design varies depending on the person who is commissioning one as they will state what design and material they want, what is important is an elaborate web of specially prepared vegetation that has gone through crystallization that forms as the constant source of magic for the enchantments, as well as a 'heart' of sorts that will hold the enchantments put on it, the heart doesn't have to be an Arcane heart but is usually a gemstone of great value or a sculpture made of precious metals. Once the innards and structure of the obelisk are formed a mage will begin the enchantment process, they need to be on-site where the obelisk is to be bound to properly attune it to the Focal Hearth of the building while also putting in the enchantments, which normally is a spell-like a floating disk that provides a force effect against the structure to provide additional support.


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