Lycanthropy Condition in Belriadde | World Anvil
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The bites of werebeasts leave behind more than just a potentially lethal wound, they leave behind an infectious strain of their own nature.

Transmission & Vectors

Lycanthropy is most often transferred through the bite of a werebeast. Sometimes, however, scratches from other sharp parts of the were's anatomy can cause infection.


Unlike many myths of old, werebeasts do not only change on the night the moon of magic is full. After a werebeast has changed for the first time they may shift whenever they wish. The only time the change is not directly controlled by the were is their first change, which is forced during their first full moon of magic.   If one is to wander in lands frequented by werebeasts it is best to make sure not to stay in or near those areas during a full moon of magic as fresh weres may be running about not entirely in control of themselves.


The first symptom to show are a dramatically increased body temperature, those unaware of the infected wound may mistake it for a fever. A second symptom that manifests alongside the increase in operating body temperature is an increase in appetite. The infected's body is adjusting itself to become whatever form of werebeast infected them. It is at this point that self-control starts to slip as they seek out enough nourishment to sate their ever growing hunger. It does eventually plateau, but by this time they may have been found and taken in by a nearby pack. On their first full moon of magic the infected will change to their beast form and will almost always be overwhelmed by their new instincts.


Those infected only have the option of immediate amputation of infected tissue if they do not want to become a werebeast. Amputation does not necessarily remove all of the infection, but it should remove enough of it that there is not a complete takeover of the infected's body.   If one is suspected of being infected by a werebeast they are often sent to places that large packs are known to frequent in the hopes that the infected will be taken in by the pack. If the moon is too close to full in some nations on Belriadde the infected is locked up using specific rituals or they are killed outright to prevent the infection or annihilation of entire villages.


Those infected by lycanthropy either successfully become a werebeast or go mad with their first change. If there is a pack to guide them through their first change there is a much higher likelihood of sanity.


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