Bathala Rue: Web of Deceit - Part 9
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Rue: Web of Deceit - Part 9

Criminal Activity

16/12 17:00
16/12 19:00

Having settled into their new living situation with Doug, Rue has seemingly made some peace with their place in Bathala City's underbelly, but following a meeting between Detective Alec Upton and The Spider, they finally get a glimpse of their employer's dark side.

The next few weeks went by relatively quickly. Moving in with Doug proved to be a major convenience for Rue, allowing them easier access to the Six-Nines and the growing number of "errands" that Creel would send them on. It's mostly just the usual stuff, a dead drop here or a bit of light stalking there, and Doug had begun to regularly include them in his late-night meetups due to their keen senses, though they'd been lucky enough to avoid any more superhero interference.   Even the guilt and self-loathing was starting to wear down, and it was starting to seem like life might be alright for a while. While not sure they'd call it happy, Rue was feeling the least miserable they had since Quade's experiments began. Between a burgeoning book club with Doug and occasional visits with Nadia and Rani, Rue was even starting to feel not so alone.   Not everything is sunshine and rainbows however as the week before Christmas looms. Rue still has no idea about what those visions were and have noticed that same detective scoping out the Six-Nines. He obviously knows more than he's letting on and it's putting them on edge. Meanwhile, Doug had mentioned that apparently Spider was planning something big involving the information gathered from Jasmine's phone, but it's been weeks since they've heard anything.   "This, Kid," Doug says, throwing a large bag down onto the kitchen table and looking expectantly in the direction of his new roommate, "Is a Christmas turkey. Are you familiar with this most sacred of eating traditions?"   Rue puts down their copy of The Great Gatsby and walks up to the table, having a quick peek in the bag. In the past few weeks, they've purchased a few more items from a local charity shop, including a light grey thermal jumper which has quickly become their favourite. Their hair is tied back in a half-bun, though a few strands seem to have pulled free.   ''Are you feeding the entire club?'' They tease, rummaging through the items next to the large frozen turkey.   "Oh sweet child," he says, feigning distress, "you have yet to enjoy one of Doug's special Christmas leftovers sandwiches... but fear not, for I have the solution!"   Bread. Bread is the solution. Bread thrown onto the table with undue force due to his own eagerness, causing the bag to split open and the end piece to burst forth at an impressive velocity. There is a long pause as the pair of them ponder the surreal missile that had quickly found itself lying on the wood-effect flooring.   ''That went a-rye quickly.'' Rue deadpans. They shift their attention back to the bag on the table, fishing out a packet of cherry tomatoes and opening it to have a quick snack.   "You know," he begins deflated, "If I'd known you made puns, I would've thought twice about offering for you to move in here."   ''You'd kick me out over a bread pun?'' Rue asks in mock horror, walking around the table to pick up the fallen slice. ''I thought you were butter than that.''   "You're a monster," he mutters as he picks up the ejected slice of bread, "Don't you have something better to be doing than mocking the man offering to feed you?"   Rue smirks mischievously, picking another cherry tomato out of the packet before walking back to the sofa, opening The Great Gatsby on the page they'd left off.   ''I haven't got any work lined up...'' They shrug, crossing their legs on the seat and tugging at a loose thread on their green woolly socks. ''Besides, you loaf it, really.'' At Doug's glare, they hold up their arms in surrender, book still in hand. ''I'll stop now.''   "Typical," he mutters as he begins placing food items away in the kitchen cupboards, "I'd have thought Spider's favourite errand... person," he continues, having made great strides in his gender-neutral language over the last month, "would be pretty busy. When's your next job?"   Whilst appreciating the effort that Doug put into the gender-neutrality, Rue still pulls a face at the statement. They don't particularly want to be the Spider's favourite anything. Still, they couldn't deny the frequency with which they were assigned odd jobs - something that had allowed them to save up a nice amount of cash, to the point where they now had several small 'stashes' hidden throughout their room, including a piggy bank they'd found when Doug was clearing out the room for them.   ''I'm meant to check in again tonight.''   "Huh, night job," he remarks, "Any idea what's in store for you? Oh, and need a lift?" He says as he begins to wrestle the bird he'd bought into the significantly undersized fridge. Rue glances over the edge of their book as Doug struggles to get the turkey in, knocking over a jar of pickles in the process.   ''Not a clue,'' They admit, getting back up to provide help. They catch the pickle jar just before it can roll off the shelf, putting it aside on the counter. ''I won't say no to a ride, though. Thanks.''   "Well, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time," he says, grunting as he forces the fridge door shut, leaning against it for safety, "Just give me a second to clear up a little and then we can head out. I swapped shifts with Maggie tonight, so I'm doing the evening. Apparently she's got some meeting with her sister or something."   ''Oh yeah, it'll be a blast.'' Rue rolls their eyes, silently wondering if the fridge door will open up the second Doug moves away. They make a beeline for their room, their book forgotten on the coffee table. They open their wardrobe and pull out a dark blue second-hand parka, preparing themself for a night out in the biting cold.   The two of them make their way down the three floors to the foyer and are greeted by the sight of a light snowfall. It's the first time in a long time that the sight of snow hasn't filled Rue with dread and they're starting to see how some people might find it in a way enchanting.   "Huh," Doug remarks, overtaking as he opens the front door to the building and letting in a cold breeze, "Hope the roads aren't too icy."   Pulling the zipper of their parka all the way up so it's just below their chin, Rue follows Doug out into the snowy twilight. They get into the car, blowing some air into their hands before tucking them into their pockets to keep them warm.   The sun has already set by the time they start their drive to the club, but the streets are still bursting with life, from people dressed in sequins and glitter for their Christmas parties to the odd person running to get a last minute present. At the club, the entertainers are dressed in revealing Santa and elf 'uniforms', with tinsel boas and red and green baubles for earrings.   They give a small wave to Doug at the door, heading up the stairs and towards the office at the back, the light peeking out from underneath the door. They stop right in front of it, raising their hand to knock.   Rue's hand, always a bit unsteady when meeting with Creel, stops a few millimetres from the door as they hear a familiar voice speaking from beyond the threshold.   "Well, Mister Creel," a familiar voice says, causing Rue's stomach to drop somewhat, "I hope you can understand that with the rumours that surround this place, cases like this are bound to land on your doorstep."   "I understand it perfectly well, Detective," spits the Spider, his voice filled with barely disguised loathing, "But I would prefer you kept your investigation out of my business unless you're prepared to bring a warrant."   "Well, I was hoping it wouldn't come to that."   "And yet, here we are."   "Very well, Mister Creel," the original voice continues, "I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again very soon."   "I'll be counting the minutes..." And with that, the footfalls grow close and Rue is quickly brought face-to-face once more with Detective Alec Upton.   "Ah! Rue was it?" he says, smiling warmly down to them, "A pleasure to see you again."   Taking a step to the side, Rue avoids Upton’s gaze, “Detective.” They nod curtly. Suddenly, the corridor feels far too narrow, as they remember the photo of the two girls and the flashes of.. something, Rue still wasn’t sure. Not to mention the headache that followed. And then there was that scent, and the sensation that they should be on high alert whenever they smelled it.   Despite Rue's racing heart beat, the detective passed by them without incident and soon disappeared down the hallway, leaving them alone with the pungent smell of cigars and old cologne, "Ah, my little Morsel," the sound of Spider's raspy voice echoes through the hallway, "Come in."   As Rue entered the room they could see Creel, sat slumped in his chair with an annoyed look on his face. He'd swapped out his normal green pinstripes for a seasonal red and white suit and accompanying Santa hat, but looked decidedly less than jolly, "Fucking detectives."   Closing the door behind them, Rue moves to stand in front of the desk, ''He's... persistent.'' They comment. ''Do you think he'll come back?''   "Ah yes, he'd mentioned that he'd come by before," Spider chuckled, seemingly brightening somewhat, "Good job showing him the door. But yeah, he'll be back. Guys like that are bloodhounds, and when they've got a scent... Maybe we ought to do something about him..."   The notion of 'doing something' about the detective makes their skin crawl. Whilst not especially keen on the man, they don't wish for anyone to get on the Spider's bad side. Rumours of cannibalism come to mind, despite knowing by now that the Spider is more likely to handle things more cunningly, and they have to make an effort not to visibly shudder.   ''Is that what you wanted me to do tonight?'' They ask hesitantly. ''See if I can dig something up on him?''   Spider's face lights up as he hears the suggestion, and he looks over at Rue like a prized show puppy, "My my, Morsel. You really are proving to be quite the protégé, aren't you?" He chuckles, sitting forward and lighting up another cigar, "I assume he told you what he was after when he came by the first time?"   Receiving a compliment from Creel leaves them with the distinct urge to take a scalding hot shower. They slide their hands into their pockets, their shoulders tensing slightly. ''Something about a missing girl from ten years ago,'' They answer with a frown. ''Though I'm not sure why he'd be working on a cold case like that now.''   "Ah, he was only promoted this year after he and Suplex took down that massive kidnapper. Probably just trying to show it wasn't just a fluke." He shrugs, "But why he's decided to focus on this particular dead tramp is anyone's guess."   Rue's mind quickly returns to a time they'd heard Spider speak like that before. Back then, they didn't know what he was really like. They were just a runaway with nowhere to go and he was the kind, if strange, gentleman who'd offered them a job as a waitress in his club. But the clientele were always such a problem, with seemingly no boundaries and even less morals. They'd come to him, crying after a particularly violating encounter with a big-shot business associate of his and, in stead of sticking up for them, he berated them, "You had one job, Kate! Keep the clients happy. What good to me is some dumb tramp who can't even get that right!?"   It hurt. Possibly more than the initial shock of what had happened. It felt like the rug had been pulled beneath them and they were in freefall, until he sighed and sat back down at his desk, "I think I know someone else who may be able to make use of you..."   Wait. That's not right.   With a short gasp, Rue is back in the room with Creel scrutinising them. Their head feels foggy, their body left with a faint tremor. The man they'd seen just now was definitely the same person in front of them now, but he'd looked younger, the lines on his face not quite as defined. They swallow thickly, the fog clearing up slowly and leaving them with a dull throb instead. Afraid of the answer they might get, Rue mumbles their question.   ''...How do you know she's dead?''   Spider grunts and raises a brow, "Huh? Oh." He leans back and crosses his arms over his chest, "I don't... But, a posh tot lost in the Railyard for ten years? She's either dead or being kept doped-up in the back of some guys car, getting rented out for cash. Take your pick."   ''You knew her, didn't you?'' They ask nervously. A small voice in the back of their mind is telling them to shut up, to not pry any further. Unfortunately, there's a stronger part of them that's been shaken by what they saw, a part that needs to know. ''That detective is right, isn't he? She was here.''   "I don't think you want to be pulling this thread, Morsel." he says, his voice immediately bereft of any of his usual joviality. He sounded darker, threatening, like the fly was already caught and now all that awaited was the fangs, "Just be a good girl... and do as you're told."   Knowing that they were right was one thing, but the venom in his voice was enough to keep them from pushing any further. Clenching their hand in their pocket, their nails digging into their skin, Rue urges themself to move on, ''And what is it that you wanted me to do?''   The Spider's smile slowly returns and he noticeably relaxes in his chair, "That's better," he says in a tone that would curl anyone's toes. He reaches into his desk drawer and pulls out what looks to be an old VHS tape, "Take this. Don't look at it. Get rid of it. Preferably far away from here. I was a little late to the digital revolution and physical media might be the death of me. And then tail that Detective, I want to know what he's up to, and if you see anything that we can use.... all's the better."   Rue takes the proffered VHS and slips it into the inside pocket of their coat. ''I'll take care of it.'' They confirm before leaving the office.   To be continued...

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