Cupid Character in Bathala | World Anvil
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Peter White (a.k.a. Cupid)

Physical Description

Special abilities

Following his surgery by Quade, Peter was given a vocal hypnotism power that allowed him to give commands to anyone who could hear his voice. While not impossible to resist, the commands become extremely persuasive for anyone who hears them, all-but-forcing them to comply with his every whim.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Peter had always struggled to stand out in life. Average at school, average at college, no-one's first pick for anything and thoroughly forgettable, but when he met Tara Willard he thought his luck had finally turned around. Here was a woman who was funny, beautiful, and kind, working in her free time as a veterinary nurse, and, for whatever reason, thought the world of him. He thought all his bad luck was finally going to turn around and he'd actually be able to live the exciting life of his dreams, if only a little bit, but that was to all fall to pieces as a brief-but-cataclysmic meeting with a stranger in a hoodie.   His notions of Tara's truthfulness were shattered when Rue passed him pictures of Tara during her real job at The Six-Nines. Less upset about the sordid content of the images, and moreso by the fact that Tara had lied to him, he quickly broke things off with her and all-but gave up on his prior aspirations, falling into a deep depression from which there appeared to be no solace. He eventually dropped out of University and went about spending his trust fund to keep himself numbed with alcohol and drugs until, one fateful night, he found himself falling down in the gutter at the feet of Dr. Oslac Quade.   The doctor offered him something that no-one else seemingly could; a way to be special. To be someone of note. To matter. He offered for Peter to take part in one of his experiments, to undergo a surgery that would impart him with incredible powers, with which he could do whatever he wanted. It was an easy choice, and before long, Peter found himself in posession of the larynx of a siren, able to bend peoples' wills with his verbal commands.   Using this newfound power, Peter was able to find out what had happened with Tara, and soon came to blame Spider for his life falling apart. He soon decided that he'd take his revenge by taking from Creel the only thing that seemed to matter to him; his empire. Donning a heart-shaped mask and the name Cupid to allow him to take advantage of anonymity as and when he needed it, Peter quickly set about userping the criminal underworld from right under Creel's nose.   Things were going well for Peter. He'd taken over much of the drug trade in Bathala and more of Creel's goons were switching sides by the day, even without being told, due to Cupid's softer approach to organised crime, proving there's little need for extreme violence when your boss can simply hand out commands to anyone giving the group trouble. Unfortunately, that's where Peter got cocky, and overstepped.   On the lead up to Valentine's day 2017, Cupid decided that it was time to make a big play and really leave his mark on the criminal underworld of the City. As such, he decided to stage the kidnapping of both Creel's son Julius, and Rue, taking them back to the old textile factory where he'd been making his home in an attempt to get Creel to reveal himself and subsequently be brought under Cupid's influence.   The plan worked, and after a distress signal was sent out from Rue's phone, the Spider brought down the might of his entire organisation down upon the factory, leading to an intense firefight that eventually forced Cupid to command the entire crowd to stop. He called Creel out and, under the influence of his powers, the Spider emerged from the smoke, approaching his rival and preparing to surrender his entire organisation to Cupid, asking only for a handshake to seal the deal. A gesture Peter was happy to make.   By the time he realised that something was wrong, Spider's paralytic poison had seeped into his bloodstream and his body fell limp to the floor. He could do little more than watch in horror thereafter, as the Spider rolled him onto his back and proceeded to stomp on his face until his head was little more than a bloody pulp on the ground, finishing the would-be crime lord off once and for all.
Date of Birth
5th of February, 1995
Date of Death
11th of February, 2017
1995 AD 2017 AD 22 years old
Circumstances of Death
Face stomped in by The Spider.
Place of Death
Bathala City's Seafaring District
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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