Dr. Oslac Quade Character in Bathala | World Anvil
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Dr. Oslac Quade

Doctor Oslac Quade

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into a wealthy family, Dr. Oslac Quade was given whatever his heart desired growing up. His parents doted on him, despite his increasingly disturbing behaviour growing up.   From a young age, Oslac was fascinated with human anatomy. His mother once told him that the first time he fell over and scraped his knee, he didn't cry, but instead poked the injury, mesmerised by the blood lazily oozing out of it.   What his parents initially brushed off as the behaviour of a 'highly gifted child', soon proved to be more than that: Oslac started throwing rocks at the neighbour's dog to gauge its reaction, and he even pushed his play date off of the climbing frame, prodding the broken leg to figure out how it worked rather than call for aid.   Though they managed to cover for him until age 9, his parents were forced to put him into court mandated psychotherapy when Oslac stabbed another child, his motive being that he 'wanted to have a look inside'.   The only thing therapy taught Oslac was to use his charm and deceive people into believing he had changed his ways. Over the years, and with his juvie record effectively erased, he worked hard to graduate high school at the top of his class, opening the doors to any prestigious school he wanted. As a student, he continued to secretly experiment on animals, taking them apart to find out 'what made them tick'. It wasn't long after he graduated that he moved on to human subjects, one of them being his own father when he became unwell.   When he was caught experimenting on the dead bodies in the morgue, Dr. Quade was fired immediately, pending further legal investigations. Disgruntled, Dr. Quade did not need to think twice when Schurk Industries offered to cover up the ordeal as well as allow him to continue working on his experiments.   His magnum opus is his 'research' on the effects of "interspecies" transplants, particularly mutant-to-human organ transplants. When a man from the slums brought his sickly child into the clinic, Quade realised that the child needed a kidney transplant, therefore being the perfect subject for his latest trial. He offered the parent to cover all medical fees, and when they agreed, Quade performed his greatest work.   When he found out that Rue's body had not only accepted the mutant organ, but had also somehow received the mutant's powers, he offered the parents a comfortable and regular income in exchange for further testing.   This had been the kind of project Quade had been waiting for his entire life! At last, he could research how powers manifest in certain people and not in others, and how they were apparently transferrable. For the next 10 years, he dedicated his life to the tests on 'Little Rue'. Sure, the subject's body needed long times in between transplants to rest up (he did not want to kill his subject, he needed a living human so he could record his findings!), but that allowed for enough time to experiment on the powers themselves, and the extend to which Little Rue could use them. Plus, there were less extreme tests to try in between.   When Quade was forced to go underground after the The Railyard Raid, he was enraged to be unable to continue his research. Though it took him years, he eventually started experimenting on other humans to replicate the results he'd produced before. Much to his dismay, when he performed the same procedures again, he did not get the same results. Determined to find the key to the power transfusions, Dr. Quade has kept to the shadows, always keeping an eye open for his favourite subject.


Dr. Quade graduated top of his class in high school and went on to study to become a doctor, eventually specialising in surgery and emergency medicine.


For a brief period, Dr. Quade was employed at Bathala City General Hospital. After he got fired, Schurk Industries employed him to open a small, inconspicuous clinic near the Rail Yard, from which he was asked to prescribe opiods. In exchange, he is given the equipment and financing to do whatever experiments he desired.
Date of Birth
10th of January, 1972
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations


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