The God Pact Document in Bastarre | World Anvil
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The God Pact

Hidhania’s gaze shifted to him, both shoulders lifting in a vague shrug. “We four work together, Marticon. We put all of our power into it, combined, in order to accomplish this. And we must not only do it here, but on Jaggol as well, since this one’s sister has been completing her own machinations. “She looked between the three, eyes growing stern. “I know that it rankles for you to work with each other, but this is something that we must, and will, do. This can go no further.”

Historical Details


This agreement between the four elder gods is permanent, or until such a time that Bastarre and its sister world are freed from the rule of fiends.


When the Hellgate opened and the devils flooded into Bastarre, it put a grave decision in the hands of the four elder gods: Hidhania, Lathair, Megiana, and Marticon. Leaving the worlds to their own devices and doing nothing to stop the tide of the invasion would impact not only Bastarre, but it opened up the possibility for the fiends to strike out from Bastarre to freely roam the multiverse. Since the only way for one of the devils to appear in the multiverse, they must be summoned, and the Hellgate effectively did that summoning. This left it open for all who appeared there to travel anywhere, and the elder gods could simply not allow that.   It was in the ruins of the city Trevaunt that the four gods appeared, and Hidhania, their leader, informed them that they must combine their powers to encapsulate Bastarre and her sister in a protective field that would prevent the fiends from going elsewhere on that plane of existence. While it disturbed the gods, and Lathair in particular, to imprison the people thusly, they all saw the sense in it.    And so together the gods cast the spell that would prevent the spread of evil past the two worlds, and it has remained in place the near millenium that has passed.

Public Reaction

The public is not aware of this agreement. it was made in the presence only of the gods and the spirits that haunt the city of Trevaunt.


This agreement guarantees that none can leave Bastarre or Jaggol once they are there, magically or otherwise. The memory of these worlds by any who reside on other worlds or planes is erased in most, but even those capable of remembering them are unable to speak of them to anyone or even indicate any knowledge thereof. No magical means can detect their existence. Even other gods are incapable of finding any information of them. The power of the four elder gods is unbreakable by any but themselves, and no one among them can break it on his or her own. All four must do it together.
Contract, Private
Oral Tradition / Word of Mouth

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