Devil's Bane Species in Bastarre | World Anvil
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Devil's Bane

After the turmoil had settled following the Hellgate opening and the horrors that it brought, most of the general population of Bastarre focused on going on with their lives with the hopes of avoiding fiendish attention. Most didn’t want to rock the boat, as they say. Such an attitude normally led to a life absent of torture or possible imprisonment in the Prison of Tortured Souls. Good things to be avoided, I say, but strict avoidance is hardly helpful in the long run.   However, there have always been those who would not be content with complacency. Some rebel outwardly, some more from the shadows. Neither of those options usually lead to a long life, but at least the deaths mean something. And while defeat is usually the outcome, somehow it still lends an air of hope to much of the populace. If the Battle of Trevaunt taught us anything, it is that we must never give up hope of a better day. Tis a lesson we all carry within us to one degree or another.   But I digress.   One who chose a more insidious and long-lasting course of action was Idi Rambledance. She was a great gnomish hero, but not because of courage in battle or such claptrap. No, Idi was a simple gardener. Think that’s no great accomplishment? What if I were to tell you that she is the one behind the creation of Devil’s Bane, the only substance known that can poison the fiends? Normally they’re immune to such things, but somehow, Idi managed to breed a flower that excretes a substance that will do the job. I’d say she’s likely responsible for more deaths among the devils than anyone else on Bastarre. I don’t just say that because she was my great grandmother, either. Just ask any gnome and you’ll hear the same.   -Orbri Cobbleshort, gnomish sage

Basic Information


The stem of this plant is thick, with a hair-like texture. Its leaves are dark green, with several growing together in a starburst pattern. The flowers themselves are a burnt orange color, the wide petals overlapping each other slightly. The petals are smooth and have rounded tips. The stigma, or center, of the flower, is round, black, and prickly. When cut or squeezed, the stigma excretes a clear, sticky substance that is harmless to all but devils.

Genetics and Reproduction

As with most flowers, these reproduce by the production and spreading of pollen. They can also be propagated with cuttings of the plants, although this method is less likely to produce successful plants from all but the most skilled gardeners.

Growth Rate & Stages

Each plant takes a month or two to grow to its full height. In warmer climates, it can produce flowers several times in a season so long as dead flowers are quickly removed.

Ecology and Habitats

This is a hardy plant that can grow in all but the coldest of climes. It also does less well if grown in direct sunlight.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Devil's Bane is used exclusively in the pursuit of killing devils. It is frequently used to coat sharp weapons, as it must enter the fiend's bloodstream or be quickly rendered inert. Most often, it is used to coat arrowheads, as this is the most efficient method.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

This flower is grown in forested areas only, although it could likely grow in other places as well. It needs little sun exposure to prosper.
Devil's Bane is a perennial plant. If unharvested, the flowers will bloom for a week or two before withering and becoming useless.
Conservation Status
Devil's Bane is not easily found. Due to its special properties, it is carefully hidden in a few special areas throughout Bastarre.
Average Height
The plant itself grows to no more than a foot in height.
Average Length
The petals of the flower are typically 1/2 to 3/4 inches in length.

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