Session 14: Scallywags: Feanger's Meeting, Vampires' Gold, Alchemic Gains Report in Barur | World Anvil
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Session 14: Scallywags: Feanger's Meeting, Vampires' Gold, Alchemic Gains

General Summary

It is early morning on the 13th of Light, 698, and the crew meets relatively early with E'krae after he spent the better part of yesterday counting out the gold they all found vampires holding. If it is really already stolen, can it be stolen again? Nonetheless, they give 50% to the Call, holding onto it for future enticements for the crew and future. Session 13: Vampire's Loss, the Crew's Gain: Scallywags and the Grey Coasts has amounts.
After that, the crew split, with Brimstone inviting Ganoi, Weebs, and his brother to a meeting with Finger, or Feanger Dovah , he later finds out; this is his brother, he thinks, for this stranger blue-skinned elemental-dragon shares qualities of both types of creatures. During this time, Hounsou, Scion of Jesh has his underlings Tulak and Kronk notice this seemingly secretive meeting of dragons, and he orders these two to sneak closer to investigate. They only here about half of the conversation, but still they learn that Feanger and Steadfast Dovah need Brimstone's ship to help other less fortunate dragonkin escape the clutches of the King. He is taking the blood of these kin to create an item of significant power--one only usually made from the heart of a true dragon. Brimstone and Aikon seem to agree, and they become aware of the orcs as they flee, and when they meet with Hounsou, he says he will tell the captain of this, and this orc crew will follow the Call to gain money and renown, to appease the King. 
Meanwhile, Rognur works on reorienting a steam bomb to frost instead of fire, and it takes him the better part of the morning, but he is able to do that. Now, later on in the day, he needs to test to see if this will indeed freeze the tentacled-brain that has attached itself to the elemental-airship battery in the hold of the ship. 
Additionally, Skiff goes to Dwarfhold District of Feon , and he buys ammo from Master Amor's apprentice, Baern Bigtoe (an elderly hill dwarf, one foot is made of metal), and he also trades the gems earned from the vampire pilfer for 750 gp. He then goes to the King's District of Feon , testing the waters of the racial divides that have been made. There is some jeering, cajoling, and verbal harassing, but Skiff enjoys an ale, and he even buys a cake to share with the crew upon his return. The Crown also has some shady, bearded humans who drunkenly debated about Skiff's walk home. Skiff asks the tavernmaster, and he names these humans Skaldr, or those far from the north. 
Skiff is returning home, and so are Brimstone, Aikhon, Ganoi, and Weebs as they hear an argument between Pojin and others near the pier for the Call. Meanwhile, Rognur comes from below to aid the bosun, and the Captain, his brother, the verdan and goblin see other humans engaged and soon enraged with the few guards from Ne nearby. These men so enraged attack and kill two Nean guards, and chaos ensues thereafter. Skiff is nearly slain after a snipers shot to their lead warrior on the beach, but Ganoi uses his mental prowess to freeze the beserker. Meanwhile orcs on the pier jump over when Rognur threatens them away and soon throws a smoke bomb for cover and distraction. Aikhon dives below, his mantaray cloak allowing him to become more fish than dragonkin as Brimstone engages those on the pier opposite the Call, and Skiff saves more Nean guards from these pirates and northmen, Skaldyr. 
Rognur disarms Gounjou, and a horn matches in distance with one on the beach blown by a bearded man near Skiff. Very soon thereafter, a long ship charges in the west side of the Call, and Chatulkik and Kevdae begin to provide cover fire for the new enemies aboard.

Rewards Granted

750 gp

Character(s) interacted with

Feanger Dovah
Steadfast Dovah

Cover image: by Seth Love


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