Barrens' end The Ayzen Founded

The Ayzen Founded



In the year 1497 AN, amidst the turbulent political climate of the Shinari Republic, a significant event unfolded that would forever alter the landscape of power and secrecy in the galaxy.   On the 18th day of the 7th month, two former members of the Ur-san, Kaith Jhir and Jhala Kes, disillusioned by the widespread anti-A-ra din sentiments and the rigid doctrines of their previous order, came together to establish a new faction. This was the birth of the Ayzen, an order of dark adepts dedicated to the cultivation of power, prestige, and fortune.   The founding of the Ayzen was not just an act of rebellion against the prevailing attitudes of the time; it was a strategic move to create a haven for those who felt marginalized and restricted by the Shinari Republic's increasingly oppressive stance against the A-ra din and their descendants. Kaith Jhir and Jhala Kes, both formidable in their own right, envisioned an order where individuals could rise above societal constraints and pursue power in its rawest form.   The Ayzen rapidly evolved from a mere refuge into a sophisticated network of influence and control. Leveraging their skills and knowledge, the founders established the Jalrec Corporation as a front for their operations. This move was a masterstroke, allowing the Ayzen to mask their true activities behind the façade of a legitimate escort and trade company.   Through this, they adeptly framed their encounters with the remnants of the Ur-san as mere business disputes or unfortunate incidents in the perilous world of interstellar trade. This layer of deception proved highly effective, granting the Ayzen the ability to operate with remarkable impunity.   While they publicly pursued legitimate business interests, in the shadows, they wove a complex web of double dealings, alliances, and subterfuge. The order's true nature remained hidden from the public eye, protecting them not only from persecution but also from the retribution of rival orders.   Over time, as the Ayzen's wealth and influence grew, so too did their boldness. The Ur-san, unable to pierce the veil of secrecy surrounding the Ayzen, were increasingly seen as a terrorist group, further diminishing their ability to challenge the Ayzen's rise to power. This misperception allowed the Ayzen to consolidate their grip over the illicit markets within the Shinari Republic, eventually achieving a near-monopoly over illegal goods and services.