Qossamoth Species in Barrens' End | World Anvil

Qossamoth (koe-sah-moth)

The Qossamoth originated on Votheron which is the seat of the Vrasu Empire.

Basic Information


The first thing most notice about the Qossamoth are their red, gold, or violet eyes with black scleras. Their large, wide set eyes draw even more attention to them. They have small noses and thin lips, with tiny, pointed ears on the side of their head.    Their body is covered with a thick coat of fur that shows little to no skin. Their skeletons are angular and sharpen their appearance to they often appear to he wearing armor even when they aren't.   Their legs are short but their feet are stretched out so they walk on their toe pads and look  like their knees bend backwards.

Genetics and Reproduction

Fenale Qossamoth deposit their eggs in the male's brood pouch. Typically, a dozen eggs are deposited and only one to three mature to birth. 

Growth Rate & Stages

Once the eggs are deposited, they develop a soft, leathery shell. The brood develop in the egg for the first three months of gestation before hatching.   After hatching, the shells are reabsorbed into the father's body, and the hatchlings seek out one of the nipples within the pouch to latch on and continue their development for next four months.   In the seventh month, the pouchlings detach and begin leaving the pouch for the first time.  They formally leave the pouch after the Eleventh Month when they are weened off milk and start to consume solid food.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While the Qossamoth evolved from carnivores, they are omnivores with a preference for meat.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Qossamoth evolved from a predator species and can detect several emotions, such as fear, by detecting the chemical changes in the air. They possess cones in their eyes dedicated to infrared light which augments their vision, making warmer things appear brighter and colder things darker. In an lightless room, they will still see a colorless heat map of the area.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Only children are treated with suspicion as they were not able to bring their siblings to birth birth with them. Their home world is a dangerous place requiring allies to help them survive.
85 years
Average Height
1.68 to 2 meters
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
White, silver and gray fur are the most common.
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by C. E. Dorsett


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