Shane Davenport Character in Baraneth | World Anvil
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Shane Davenport

Shane Davenport cuts a striking figure amidst the shadows of Meatbowl, his presence commanding attention despite his unassuming appearance. Tall and slender, he moves with a deceptive grace, his every movement calculated and deliberate. His features are sharp and angular, framed by a tangle of greasy black hair that falls untamed across his forehead.   Davenport's face bears the marks of a life lived on the edge of society, with stubble clinging to his jawline and a perpetual shadow lurking beneath his piercing gaze. His eyes, a piercing shade of slate gray, gleam with an unsettling intelligence, darting about the room with a predatory hunger. There's a calculating gleam in those eyes, as if he's always one step ahead of everyone else in the room.   He dresses in attire that straddles the line between practicality and elegance, favoring dark colors and tailored suits that lend him an air of authority and sophistication. Despite the grime of Meatbowl clinging to his clothes, there's an unmistakable aura of wealth and privilege that surrounds him, a testament to his success in the shadowy world of underground dealings.   Davenport's demeanor is as slippery as an eel, his words honeyed with charm and deceit. He has a smile that never quite reaches his eyes, a smirk that seems to suggest he's privy to secrets that others can only dream of. There's a sense of danger that hangs about him like a cloak, a reminder that beneath the facade of civility lies a man capable of ruthless ambition and cunning.   In the dim light of The Prismatic Eye, Shane Davenport is a figure of mystery and intrigue, a puppet master pulling the strings of fate from the shadows. To those who cross his path, he is both friend and foe, a man to be feared and admired in equal measure.


Shane Davenport


Towards Velvet




Towards Shane Davenport


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