Zarakazah Settlement in Baltharos | World Anvil
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This is one of the larger Villages in Scania. Close to Felldion, many merchants from Jascana make their way through this village. Zarakazah is governed by a council of wealthy landowners, led by a male human named Andes. He is one of the few humans in this village. Most of the population consists of elves and satyrs. A notable place here is a large guildhall. Which is actually owned by the Black Mammoth Guild. It isn't for adventuring, more for a place for the merchants to gain information and have a place to stay.  


Mostly Elf, and satyr with very few humans.


There is a council of wealthy landowners led by a human named Andes.


The Black Mammoth Guild protects this village. As well as any Felldion crowns guard sent here.

Industry & Trade

Merchants from Jascana make their way through here doing plenty of business on their way to Felldion.

Guilds and Factions

The Black Mammoth Guild is the only guild here. The Felldion Crowns Guard is the only faction here.


They are right in a valley between the two sections of the Churburg mountain range.
Approximately 850
Location under

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