The Monarch of Syron Rank/Title in Badoen | World Anvil
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The Monarch of Syron

The Syronian monarch holds immense power in Badoen, controlling the majority of the continent. The economical background of the realm grants them just as much weight as the nation's military strength does. As a wielder of such influence, the monarch needs personal qualities that enable them to keep an enormous, diverse territory united.   The greatest rulers, thus, are not alway those who possess the greatest military genious - that is, after all, what advisors and experts in court are there for - but those who know the vast array of cultures, social groups and peoples under their reign and are able to navigate the several interests. In their endeavours, they are not only supported by the specialists of finance, military and education, they also often benefit from the services of a court mage.


Although noone dares to keep a monarch from ascending to the throne, most often their coronation is preceeded by throughout training. The bare minimum for a royal child - other than literacy - is to know something of the several different cultures living in Syron - what occasions the Gnome community celebrates, why is there tension between the Dwarves and the Tarnaa or what are the main travel routes of the Wild Elves. In addition, a knowledge of languages is a great asset, as this excludes the need for a translator who may manipulate the message. As for the Cyrrel Dynasty currently ruling, the language is most commonly Elvish, due to a familiar tie.


The rank of the monarch is hereditary, thus a ruler's children or family members are eligible for the position. In case of the ruler not having any relatives, they tend to name an heir before the public, and the decision is to be respected after their death. In rare cases of the monarch's unexpected death, a council of twelve - consisting of regional stakeholders, members of the Four Supreme, and delegates of different cultures - decide on the person of the next ruler. As the majority Syronian faith is one of the pillars keeping the diverse nation together, the monarch is to represent this in their person. Their belief - at least in a formal way - is an essential force of cohesion. Thus, the First Priest responsible for the coronation may deny performing the necessary rites if the person is faithless, assosiates with a dangerous sect or has committed capital crimes against religious law.


The coronation of a new monarch is a notoriously long process in Syron. As the king or queen represents the heritage of the twelve original states (and with that their legendary twelve knights), it is traditional to include symbols of each of the twelve territories. The ceremony has been held in various places, depending on the royal family: the first kings and queens used to be coronated under the walls of Royonne, whereas the next dynasty kept to the imposing main hall of the Syronian Academy, until lately, the Cyrrels decided upon the cathedral near the palace.   A certain element; however, is the presence of the First Priest, the holy leader of faith, who leady the ritual sequence. The process starts with sacrifice to the gods - usually in the form of food, drink, or personal objects placed upon their altars. Second, a representative of Boreve hands the future ruler a ritual sword to represent might in battle. The ruler receives the gift while reminding the attending crowd of the services of the Borevi people and speak a few compliments. The ritual goes on to the same scheme: the monarch receives a loaf of freshly baked sweet bread from Luthodan to remind of health and Life's gifts, a piece of Gnomish craftmanship to represent wit, a Dwarven-crafted shield to serve them as the protector of Syron, a bird of prey from the Wild Elves of Eldergrove, and various other gifts. Raothel, one of the provinces gives no physical present, intead, they provide the future court mage court mage - most often the one who served the previous monarch, but occasionally, there is personal change.


A monarch is expected to do the best for the people of Syron, to represent justice and stability, and to preserve the integrity of the realm. It is of outmost importance that the king or queen is impartial, defending and representing all peoples under their reign. Lastly, they are to keep the memory of the original Twelve who payed a crucial role in founding Syron.


The ruler handles most of the general issues of the realm. They are allowed to make most key decisions after hearing the specialists on the different matters. The monarch's everyday responsibilities lie in legislation, providing judgement, appointing key officers, providing the worthy subjects with titles and holdings. The king or queen is usually present at major celebrations, and are expected to make a public appearence when an issue of national importance arises, thus providing direction and a sense of stability even in dire situations.

A monarch is allowed to declare war on a foreign country, but cannot deploy the realm's troops against an inner power or community without the consent of the council, unless it is "of an unnatural source that would threaten the citizens of Syron". While this point can easily be molded to the needs of the stakeholders, it is meant to avoid tyranny through prohibition of a military attack on opposing nobles. They may be expected to encourage their soldiers in times of war by being present before important battles and raising the moral through their speeches, but only need to be present during the fight if they are physically able and if it is within reason.


Quite obviously, the kings an queens of the powerful, prosperous realm live in wealth and comfort for most of their lives. If they reign rightfully - or manage to convince the most powerful nobles that they do so -, they have the support of the Four Supreme ready to back them with influence, military power or monetary aid. Their personal safety is protected by the royal guards at all times, they have their everyday needs attended to by servants, and benefit from the services of a court mage.   The people generally turn towards them with respect. Their life events and achievments are celebrated amongst the subjects of their realm, their names often given to newborn children in honour of their service to the realm. At their weddings or when a royal child is born, the twelve original parts of the realm each send their gifts to the monarch's family.   The ruler and their relatives are first to get accepted into social circles and institutions of all kinds. The Syronian Academy grants honorary membership to all royal children and relatives, even though most never learn there.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Simple as it is, kings and queens of Syron are most easily recognised from their crowns, although most rulers do not wear their bothersome, jewelled ceremonial crowns at everyday occasions. Instead, the usual headpieces vary from family to family.   The monarchs are also characterised by wearing some piece of black and white equipment. During ceremonies, this is mostly the white cape embroided with the family's sigil in black, thus symbolising their power to create harmony and to embrace chaos. Most recently, the Cyrrels, whose family carries a stallion on their banner, has taken to riding white steeds to show this same connection to the divine realms and to their role as rulers.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

It does not happen often, but Syron has seen her own periods of tyranny. Thus, the Council and the assembly of the greater houses has the right to rise against an unjust or incompetent ruler in rare cases. Laws of Syron organise in detail what gives reason to try and remove a ruler from their seat, including genocide, inhumane treatment of a group of subjects, repeated warmongering against the will of the Council, leading an army against citizens of Syron, lack of consideration for economical needs or the good of the subjects (such as supplying an ostentatious court in times of famine), and even dealing with devils or the Breach.   If any of the above circumstances occur, it is the duty of the nobility and council to take a stance against the monarch. First, it is expected to issue a warning. Second, the court mage and the guard capitain are informed that they have obligations towards the monarch no longer, as they are not rightful holders of the title. Third, the king or queen is asked to retire and pass the title on. If they do so, members of the family may still be appointed by the Council to become the next ruler. However, if the monarch needs to be removed forcefully from their position, their dynasty loses the right to rule. If everything else fails, the Council and the greater houses will raise the levies and use military might to overthrow the tyrannical monarch, and if they succeed, appoint someone to take the throne.
Nobility, Hereditary
Still in effect, still of importance
Form of Address
His / her / their Majesty
Alternative Naming
King / Queen of Syron
Equates to
Similar to the Khuuli Aurisha in being a leader of a nation, but holds slightly different areas under their control.
Source of Authority
Divine will
Length of Term
May last a lifetime
Past Holders
Related Locations

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