“The Split Foyer” Prose in Azza-Jono | World Anvil

“The Split Foyer”

Loy looked around, appreciating the relative historical accuracy of The Brigemont foyer. There were signs of modernization, of course, including phone booths and Wi-Fi.   Monsignor Kreutin greeted her, showed her to the conservatory, where she waited and smoked a cigarette.   Kaliope joined her, smiled. She led Loy back to the foyer, this time the Jono side, then upstairs and down several long narrow halls to an elegant room, 262. She unlocked the door, went inside.   Once in, Kaliope went to the adjoining room door, unlocked it, opened it. Loy followed.   "This," Kaliope said, "is the room. You like?"   Loy surveyed the room, touched the ornate woodwork and scrimshaw, ran her fingers over the desk overlooking the Jono Bosque, then wandered back to Kaliope. "I like it. A lot."   Kaliope said, "I can tell." She adjusted her jacket, then said, “It's yours."   Loy said, “I'll take it.