Asmodeus Character in Azuremir | World Anvil
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Lord of Lies

from the writings of Saint Aryabhatta, Saint of Enlightenment

"After the words of Saint Iman and Saint Aeslin, Asmodeus rose and strode to the center of the Heart Chamber. They grabbed the attention of their sibling Sentinels as Asmodeus was made fairer than even Aeslin. Each saw the most beautiful face before them yet no two saw the same face. And Asmodeus spoke...


'My siblings, those who have spoken thus far have taken the things that mortals hold most dear. Their love, their homes, their art, their bonds. They see it as beautiful and they are not wrong, but they are illintented. What is the warmth of a hug when love is all that one experiences? What is the kind word of a stranger when all around are kind. What is loyalty, if bonds are never broken, and promises are always kept? What is truth, when there are none who lie? I say, your chosen domains hold no power if the creation is want to choose an alternative.' The sentinel's first tirade stirred the Council, but Asmodeus brought their steamed countenance to bare and calmed them.


'I will be that alternative, and it will be a beautiful thing. There will be love, but there will also be jealousy, and I will be there to stoke those flames. And where my influence fails, the love that the creation feels will be as bright as the sun. They may hold truth in high esteem, but I will be there to whisper in the ears of those with the silvertongue to lie. And when loyalty would be tested, I will be there to drive the knife of the betrayer.' It was this that drove the Council to upheaval as questions and insults flew through the chamber. It was not long until Asmodeus once again bade his siblings quiet and continued.'


'For there to be beauty in their choices they must have them. Even though I shine brightest amongst us, this is how I will share my light with you all.' Asmodeus floated aloft in a roaring tirade. 'You scoff and fret at my adverse claims, but you will all come to see that the creation will look upon me and see everything that it could ever desire, and should your gifts outweigh mine then they will choose what you and it will be even more beautiful than before! Heed my word here siblings! The creation will not see me as the god of lies and betrayal, but as the god of choice and ambition! They will celebrate me for I granted them freedom from the divine ordainment! AND IT WILL BE BEAUTIFUL!'"

Divine Domains

Asmodeus claimed the antetheses to love and loyalty, hatred and betrayal. It has made the sentinel one of the most shunned in polite society around the world. Cults to the Lord of Lies often grow out from individuals who seek darker power with no care for the expense of others.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

It is said the Lord of Lies appears to those whose loyalty he deems worthy of testing. He tempts them with prestige, and power. He appeals to their greed and pulls it from them to betray those closest to them for the gifts he offers.

Divine Classification
Lesser Deity - Sentinel


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