Gustave XIII Character in Azos | World Anvil
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Gustave XIII

Emperor of Artoriga Gustave Magni XIII (a.k.a. The Liberator)

Emperor Gustave XIII of the illustrious House Magni is arguably the most powerful man in the world. The rightful emperor of the the strongest state in terms of its military, the so called "Liberator" is ideologically driven to unite the entirety of the western continent of Vespertia, perhaps even the entire world under Artorigan rule in order to eliminate what he sees as tyranny inflicted on the people by the foreign powers that surround the empire. In truth however, the man is just as, if not more tyrannical than any other world leader in spite of what he claims.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

The eyepatch over his left eye.

Specialized Equipment

A mythril lance that can combust into flames.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gustave was the firstborn son of the then-ruler of the Kingdom of Artoriga: King Charles IX, and crown prince of the kingdom. He had been taught from a young age to value his nation and birthright above all, even his own wellbeing by his father, in an effort to raise his son as the perfect king to lead the nation. This however had the side-effect of implanting a saviour-complex in the boy, leading him down the path of "liberating" the rest of the world, Briefly taking a stint however, Gustave began an adventuring career in his mid-20's alongside a handful of allies to learn the plight of the Artorigan people. He returned home soon after learning of his father falling ill, and assumed the throne not long after at the age of 31.   Gustave then began a series of reforms over the course of years meant to modernise Artoriga through the use of steam engines and magical crystals, industrialising the nation and marking the beginnings of the modern Artorigan war machine with the production of mighty airships. In an attempt to gain support for a war with the Benadan Alliance and the Principality of Dannan, Gustave devolved his powers by creating "The Articles of Federalism", allowing lower-ranked nobles, rich merchant families and the Church of Zenith to operate with greater autonomy. With his position secured, Gustave openly declared war without cassus beli and invaded Dannan and Benada, conquering the regions in mere months with the help of the airships his engineers had develop.   Now arguably the most powerful man in the world, declared an end to the old Kingdom of Artoriga, and that the Artorigan people could now truly call themselves "Empire", marking the so-called "Artorigan Golden Age". In spite of his conquests however, Gustave still isn't satisfied with merely the Dannan & Benada regions under his belt, and now wishes for global conquest in the name of his radical, perhaps even fanatical ideals.   Gustave, despite being a man of 65 hasn't let his age slow him down in the slightest. Not only does he regularly still practice his swordsmanship for an eventual showdown, he is sometimes seen climbing the northern mountains in his off-time.


Gustave, much like the rest of his countrymen, received a so-called "Patriotic Education": a revised, censored version of world history to suit the agenda of the Artorigan state. Unlike his peers however, Gustave is far more devoted to this worldview than most, to the point of bordering on fanaticism.

Morality & Philosophy

Gustave believes in a nationalist framework of morality, believing that an action is always justified if it benefits Artoriga first and foremost.

Personality Characteristics


To unite the world under Artorigan rule for what he believes to be the greater good.


Religious Views

Gustave is a devout Zenithian, and maintains close relationships with the Church of Zenith. He also has little tolerance for other non-Zenithian faiths, particularly Adventism.

Wealth & Financial state

Gustave and the rest of House Magni live an affluent lifestyle, though his management of the Artorigan economy as led to a decades-long period of inflation caused by his excessive spending on the military and the development of new airship models.

"I have taken upon myself a grand mission worthy of even Zenith's grace: to liberate this world from the tyranny of their corrupt and heretical rulers. Though this will be a thankless task, I will not be deterred in my goal, for this task requires an iron will to see it to its conclusion. This age of degeneracy, of false prophets and foreign tyrants that we once wallowed in has come to an end. And a new age shall rise: the age of the Artorigan Empire!"

~ Gustave XIII's declaration of the Kingdom of Artoriga's transition to the Artorigan Empire
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Duke of Albion, King of Artoriga (formerly), Emperor of Artoriga, High King of Dannan, Suzerain of Benada
Currently Held Titles
Current Residence
Palace of Lions
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Dwarven


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