Zehir Character in Azera | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Serpent Queen)

Divine Domains

The domains of Zehir are darkness, poison, sacrifices, and snakes.   As Zehir wanders the planes, she finds comfort in the dark places of the plane. The venom and poisons that she creates from her own being are considered holy elixirs to her following as they are capable of guaranteed death to any who it comes in contact with, Zehir has boosted that her concoctions can even make a god fall to their knees in mere moments.   When nesting wherever she pleases for the time, she is known to surround herself with hundreds of snakes. If an unfortunate creature comes near she ensnares them and feeds them to her children. It is said that those she feeds turns into the Yuan-ti, to take over the nest when Zehir moves onward.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

In the true form of her snake-like being, a snake curled in the form of a Z in the holy symbol that her followers use. The blades used in sacrifices often follow this shape as well.

Tenets of Faith

She urges her followers to:
  • Hide under the cloak of night, that your deeds might be kept in secret.
  • Kill in Zehir's name and offer each murder as a sacrifice.
  • Delight in poison, and surround yourself with snakes.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil


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