Vecna Character in Azera | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Unholy)

Divine Domains

The domains of Vecna are secrets, undead, and necromancy.   One of the few mortals to ascend to godhood, though it was after his destruction during his time as the most powerful wizard and lich that ever existed. His ambition continued to grow as he now wants to obtain control of the cosmos and slay the other deities altogether. Having hidden the secrets of ascension so none may follow him, he continues to create mass undead armies to fight for his causes.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Having lost his left hand and left eye before his ascension, these pieces have become the symbol of his worship. The left hand holding an eye while another symbol resembling a fractured skull is also widely used.

Tenets of Faith

He whispers to his followers:
  • Never reveal all you know. Information is power. The more information you possess, the more powerful you become, and the greater hold you have over others.
  • Find the seed of darkness in your heart and nourish it; find it in others and exploit it to your advantage. It is far better to conquer your enemy's heart and soul than his physical body.
  • Oppose the followers of all other deities so that Vecna alone can rule creation.
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil


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