Torog Character in Azera | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Crawling King)

Divine Domains

The domains of Torog are imprisonment, the Underdark, and blood.   Imprisoned to the depths of the endless darkness of the Underdark, Torog has made it his home, creating a dominion of his own to control. His torturous confinement to the Underdark and the sapping pain when trying to leave it has left lingering scars on the god. Seeing the pain and the loss of power, he relishes in the discomfort of his situation enjoying the suffering. As his blood seeps from never healing wounds from the Celestial War, Torog beseeches that this is a testament to his power, having the will and strength to continue through it all.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

As a testament to his situation and being, Torog tells his followers that the symbol of worship for him is a T with a circular hoop at the bottom. This resembles the shackles that bind Torog to his domain.

Tenets of Faith

He teaches his worshipers to:
  • Seek out and revere the deep places beneath the earth.
  • Delight in the giving of pain, and consider the pain you receive as an homage to Torog.
  • Bind tightly what is in your charge, and restrain those who wander free.
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil


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