Tiamat Character in Azera | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Scaled Tyrant)

Divine Domains

The domains of Tiamat are wealth, greed, and envy.   Little concern for those without draconic blood flowing in their veins, Tiamat seeks only the betterment of the dragon and Dragonborn races. As the goddess of probably the deepest unyielding, bitter, and eternal hatreds and rivalries Tiamat constantly feuds with the other deities over wealth and followers. Seeing her brother, Bahamut's faithful amass and come from all reaches in life beyond the dragon kinds, she growes ever angry towards him. Thus, she seeks to completely dominate the metallic dragons to show the chromatics' power over them and the other species.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbolizing her nature and being a five-pointed star made of dragon claws is used in her worship.

Tenets of Faith

Her credo is as follows:
  • Hoard wealth, acquiring much and spending little. Wealth determines your stature, influence, and to some extent your power over others.
  • Forgive no slight and leave no wrong unpunished. Every insult, every slight, every disparaging word deserves punishment.
  • Take what you desire from others. Those who lack the strength to defend their possessions are not worthy to own them.
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil


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