The Raven Queen Character in Azera | World Anvil
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The Raven Queen

(a.k.a. The Matron of Ravens)

Divine Domains

The domains of the Raven Queen are fate, winter, and death.   As the spinner of fate and patron of death, she marks the end of each mortal life, often called upon to guide and guard the departed from the curse of undeath. Though she is the patron of death, she is seen as a sorrowful figure for the deceased and soon-to-be, as she comes to watch over them for their final moments ensuring they are not alone. As many fear the end of life, she beacons her followers and all that is near it to be unafraid, for it is just another part of the cycle that is life.   As she watches over the dead and dying, she is ever vigilant for traces of the undead for they break the cycle and try to control their fates when it is not theirs to control anymore. She demands that her followers join her in the never-ending crusade to thwart the undead and ensure the natural order of life continues on.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

As she watches over the dead, one can always find a raven nearby. Thus, her followers and others alike have come to the notion that the raven is her sigil.

Tenets of Faith

She expects her followers to abide by these commandments:
  • Hold no pity for those who suffer and die, for death is the natural end of life.
  • Bring down the proud who try to cast off the chains of fate. As the instrument of the Raven Queen, you mush punish hubris where you find it.
  • Watch for the cults of __Orcus__ and stamp them out whenever they arise. The Demon Prince of the Undead seeks to claim the Raven Queen's throne.
Divine Classification


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