Lolth Character in Azera | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Spider Queen)

Divine Domains

The domains of Lolth are the shadows, lies, seduction and lust, but most of all trickery.   Few, if any, other gods evoke so many raw emotions, fear, or hatred as Lolth. Having lost most of what is dear to her in eons past, Lolth uses the bottled emotions from then to aid herself in scrambling to the top and ensure she stays there. Careful to not reveal too much of herself, she rarely walks amongst the mortal beings or confronts enemies head-on. Instead, she uses her appearance to either fool her enemies or bewilders her worshipers.   Lolth loves to reveal one or more aspects of her intentions through dreams, visions, signs, and omens. Often there are many such signs, more so that any other deity. Whether the intent is to confuse friend and foe alike or if it is just her mercurial nature no one knows but her.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Similar to her infatuation with spiders and their webs, the symbol of her worship is that of an eight-pointed star with a web motif.

Tenets of Faith

Her alluring tenets are as follows:
  • Do whatever it takes to gain and hold power. If you must murder, lie, steal, and cheat to reach the top, you are obligated to do so.
  • Rely on stealth and slander in preference to outright confrontation. Any method to achieve your goal is acceptable, as long as you don't get caught.
  • Seek the death of elves and eladrin at every opportunity. There is to be no peace, no cooperation, no surrender, and no compromise with these foul traitorous creatures.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil


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