Gruumsh Character in Azera | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. One-Eye)

Divine Domains

The domains of Gruumsh are destruction and war.   Enjoying the carnage of destructive battle, Gruumsh welcomes those who wish to take his place as the harbinger of destruction and war. His rage and hunger for destruction date back to before the Celestial War and only grew stronger during it. He is thought to frequently walk amongst the mortal world, joining in whatever battle he comes across, to vent his pent up ferocity.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Due to his unwavering lust for destruction and war, he is said to be always watching with his one eye. Thus, the symbol of his faith is that of a triangular eye with bony protrusions.

Tenets of Faith

He has told his worshiper to do the following:
  • Gather and breed, and your numbers shall flourish.
  • Rise up in hordes and seize that which is rightfully yours.
  • Raid. Kill. Conquer.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil


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