Corellon Character in Azera | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Archeart)

Divine Domains

The domains of Corellon are spring, the arts, and magic.   Alongside __Melora___, Corellon planted the most ancient of forests throughout Azera. He believes that the purity that the newborn spring brings each year brightens the world and inspires the masses. Behesting his followers to create works of beauty in any art form is the true essence of a fulfilled life. He advises his followers to avoid bland stagnation and to constantly seek new experiences and discover the lost and unknown.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

As a deity who urges to see the beauty in life, Corellon is symbolized as the bursting star. Something that is both beautiful and wonderous while also vast and unknown.

Tenets of Faith

He urges his followers thus:
  • Cultivate beauty in all that you do, whether you're casting a spell, composing a saga, strumming a lute, or practicing the arts of war.
  • Seek out lost magic items, forgotten rituals, and ancient works of art.
  • Thwart the followers of __Lolth__ at every opportunity.
Divine Classification


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