Bane Character in Azera | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Strife Emperor)

Divine Domains

The domains of Bane are war and conquest.   Bane demands martial skill from his followers, to spend hours in drills and practice battles. If they are not hefting a weapon on the battlefield, they shall be studying theories of warfare or competing in strategic games to hone their military minds. The scale of the warfare matters not to him, as long as there is a conquest and strict military order involved.   Bane's thirst for war is never satiated, for it is an endless fount from which he grows in power. Through fear and reverence in his overwhelming battle prowess, his faithful are also held as dangerous beings themselves.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

As the being who conquers all beneath him, Bane has been revered to as the three taloned claw, which takes its prey under utter control.

Tenets of Faith

He commands his worshipers to:
  • Never allow your fear to gain mastery over your, but drive it into the hearts of your foes.
  • Punish insubordination and disorder.
  • Hone your combat skills to perfection, whether you are a mighty general or a lone mercenary.
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil


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