Asmodeus Character in Azera | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Lord of the Hells)

Divine Domains

The domains of Asmodeus are domination and tyranny.   True to his being, Asmodeus rules as the supreme master of the nine hells, lording over the devils that reside there. Though this was not Asmodeus's goal, he originally desired to rule the cosmos like the one and only supreme being. To protect his plans and own being, no one knows of his true whereabout expect that he is forever imprisoned in his dominion. Those who do learn of his secrets and any truths to his form are swiftly killed within the day.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

With complete domination over the hells and the bloody tyranny that he imposed, the followers of Asmodeus use a triangular spearhead that is split into three parts.

Tenets of Faith

Asmodeus teaches the following:
  • Take care of yourself, looking out for your own needs, and enjoying what you deserve.
However, darker messages lie beneath the surface.
  • Youth and innocence demand corruption. Use them to your advantage and let them learn that valuable lesson.
  • Ambition and greed are natural. The gods put these values in all, don't feel guilty for them, revel in them instead.
  • Exploit every weakness. Hold your victim under your thumb to keep them obedient.
  • Destroy that which cannot be corrupted. Any such person cannot be trusted, for they have no mortal interests placed first and foremost.
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil


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