Secret Keepers Organization in Az Barnuá | World Anvil

Secret Keepers

The most powerful family of the Kingdom of Months, that only Podron Droula Lanus and Az Priceskan Donmieli can rule over.
They are responsible for keeping the secrets about Antiquity, the Kingdom of Months and Az Barnuá, the power of Death, among others.

Their existence is top-secret, only the Monthians know of them.

Their house, the Residence of the Secret Keepers, is located in the heart of Ariestonne.
Currently, the Head of the Secret Keepers and their chosen partner are simultaneously the Duke of Aries.

The rank of Secret Keeper is held by the Main Keeper or Head, his/her chosen partner, and all his/her children. It is also held by the partner and children of the chosen Heir Keeper. The rank of Secret Keeper is displayed as the last family name of the person. When not a Secret Keeper, but belonging to the Secret Keepers Family, the person will only receive the parent second most important family name. Since the third generation, that name is Justice.

Members of mention

First Secret Keeper Zizoum Keeper
Alince Tower
Vunziro Keeper
ZolkoNum Tower
Einka Tower
Laena Justice
Vanpirte Keeper
Alea Keeper
Solvize Justice
Gaqelf Protection
Lizenk Protection
Rupyrt Keeper
Vetmog Keeper
Wesse Justice
Malene Justice
Nelira Oak
NKyrep Justice Keeper
Lira Keeper
Jusué Keeper
Soémia Keeper
Nurk Keeper
Ruoqs Keeper
Phileas Keeper
Wesse Justice
NoélIa Tower
ZeamíN Tower
Peanita Keeper
Lena Keeper
Crampist Keeper
Nicari Keeper
TeWentoro Shield

Territories & Titles

The Secret Keepers Title Duke of Aries
Territory Aries


Elements Keys, Tower
Colors Carmine Red of Tower and Moon White
Blessing Salvation, Death
Species Sorcerer, Mantagamia
ga LaZ gaTaße Hane "In Death Comes Justice"


Associated Powers

Judgment, Healing, Souls, Time

Associated Families

Lanus branch of the Divine Family

ga LaZ gaTaße Hane

Founding Date
c. 1700
Alternative Names
Successor Organization
Family Leader
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Species

Articles under Secret Keepers