Green Palace Building / Landmark in Az Barnuá | World Anvil

Green Palace

"We dismantled when we arrived at the Green Palace. I was still fascinated when it was. I couldn't actually call it building, because it was another sequence of arcs of branches of carvels and stairs filled with fruit and flowers, in a mix of outside and interior, so high and wide that Ametista and Mtorolite had no problem in entering. The whole decoration of the palace was made of wood or of vime connected with the most beautiful entalhes. It was difficult to say where one room ended and started another, between gardens and claustres and sources. The Green Palace was an authentic labyrinth of nature, vibrant in the colors of the leaves and flowers, in the aroma of mature fruits."
in In Between Colors

Founding Date
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization