Piro'byè Risastór'l Species in Az-Atla Realm of the Lost Moon | World Anvil
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Piro'byè Risastór'l

Liquor Giant

The creatures of a Divergent nature are rare within Her Realm, but they do exist, and they are more strange and obscene then the average citizen could ever imagine. While the tales and lessons about Abomination taint are known to all, thanks to Her most generous gifts of universal education, and this knowledge fills the minds of all good citizens with most horrible images and immaginations, there are creatures just as twisted in their diveregence.

The Prio'bye Risastor'l is one such affront to Her Glory and to the rightful laws of nature.

Basic Information


"Now I'm not saying I saw it, but I know someone who knows someone who saw it, and that's as good as seeing it. Just saying.
The creature burst out of the storage room all liquidy and frothy. It had the stench about it of stale booze and sick. You know day after a three day binger sick. And, it was large, easily 12 foot tall. That's what they said. It didn't so much as move towards the patrons of the bar, but more like... the phrase they said was "crashed forward onto things like a wave of drunken men." Yah..men, the guy I know swore it had the distorted faces of people in it. Anyway... it had three arms, no legs and just started to drown people, but once it swallowed you....
No I don't know if the faces in it are the faces of the people its eaten... By the Mother's Graces.. that's horrible!"

Uu'olias Verrk - Dwarf miner.

Genetics and Reproduction

How these creatures reproduce is a mystery. While a few Lore Masters have attempted to determine the nature of this creature's reproduction, every attempt has ended in failure and most have ended in disaster of a personal nature or of a greater nature to the community that the ill fated Lore Master had their residence.

Needless to say, owners of social venues, the general citizenery, and local authorities do not encourage or support excessive curiousity regarding this specialized and esoteric topic.

Growth Rate & Stages

Unknown. Typical encounters with this creature are violent, short lived and highly distructive. Citizens and animals are subsumed into its mass. Physical items crushed or just destroyed in the struggle to survive.

Ecology and Habitats

The Prio'bye is only found in large quanties of stored alcohol. Kegs, vats, barrels... have all been known to contain Prio'bye. The minimal sized container seems to be 20 liters.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Prio'bye eat organic mass and convert it almost instantly into their own bodily mass. Surviors of attacks report that the creature just seems to devour any organic material it can until it is destroyed by local authorities.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Many suspect that the creature senses its surroundings through micro-vibtrations. No proof of this has been gathered successfully, but the creature is not impeded by darkness, silence, gases, or physical obstructions. Once it has sensed its prey, it knows where its prey is in its environment.
Unknown. Perhaps from the twisted mind of a Divergent Brewmaster.
Unknown as once discovered they are always destroyed. The longest lived was discovered in a wine cellar in Ud'Moaza. It fought off authorities for 12mins.
Geographic Distribution

  Size Type - Medium
  Danger Level - Medium to High
  Speed - Crazy fast. They are very unpredictable, almost random.
  Armour Class - Not So Good, because they seem to be just liquid, so they are easy to hit but tend to flow around weapons.
  Attacks each round - 2 Crushes - moderately painful and stunning. or 1 eating - very painful leading to dis/intergration. You end up disappearing.
  Reach - 15ft   Special Qualities - Track by something. One Divergent Brewmaster suggested body alcohol ratio.
  Treasure - Booze? Whatever is left over from its meals?
  Tactics - Typically, they will attack everything they can. They never flea, and the seem to be care not for objects or obstructions. They just flow around, over or through.


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