H'pur Ve'wai Majdav Species in Az-Atla Realm of the Lost Moon | World Anvil
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H'pur Ve'wai Majdav

Wasp Worms

In the darkness there are still horrors hidden in the Realm. They hide. They skulk. They scurry into the safety of the shadows, not illuminated by Her light. Her Paragons are ever vigilant, ever learning, and ever ready, and of course that which hides in the dark evolve as well.
The true horror is that Her light does not touch every creature of the Realm, and these creatures, even though they strike terror, doubt, and revulsion into the hearts of Her people; these creatures are also deserving of Her blessings.
H'pur Ve'wai are such of these creatures.
They are never found in the light. Any light at all. Light of day, light of civilization, or the light of Breath. And, they are rare, but still tales are told of them. Because, when they are found ...
They climb, crawl, or walk from the darkness in the forms of those we know; the familiar and the now dead.
In the darkness, the H'pur Ve'wai are tiny and insignificant creatures. Worms no bigger then a Gnome's thumb, that burrow and eat of the carrion and waste of the living. Unmaintained graveyards, organic waste piles, and places were the living have died in large amounts are where you will find the H'pur Ve'wai in the darkness.
Ask yourself, why are you walking in these places alone and in the dark? Why did you come where no citizen should be? Did you bring the protection of Her Will? Are you ready to fight the darkness?
The H'pur Ve'wai will come. Through some strange sense they will know you are in their shadowed place, and they will come for you. Not as one insignificant thing, but in the thousands. Their entire hive will come for you. From their tunnels, from the soft soils, from the corpses of the past, they will come and invade you.
And, when they are finished devouring all that you have within, and have filled you up with themselves, then they will come out into the light, protected by your flesh; their prey.

Basic Information


Small pallid worms no bigger then 3cm in length and less then 1cm in diameter. They do not seem to have an sensory organs, and they seem to be able to consume food from either ends of their bodies.

Genetics and Reproduction

This remains a mystery. Many theories exist. All are untested and unverified. 
A particularly obtuse theory is proposed by Galat'Upt of the Blue. Galat proposes that unseen eggs, eggs so small nothing can detect them, are deposited in the bodies of it prey, and after the bodies decompose and soften, the eggs hatch to eat the corpse as start an entire new hive ready to devour their next prey.

Growth Rate & Stages

Another part of the puzzle that remains unknown. There must be a point of life for these vile creatures before they were worms, right?

Ecology and Habitats

Rotten, rotting, organic matter left in the dark.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Living things. Any living thing. Or, perhaps its dead things. H'pur have been found within the dead and will devour the living.

Biological Cycle

The only time that any have encountered the H'pur Ve'wai is when they are eating.

Additional Information


Not likely.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Nothing. These little worm beasts are horrible manifestation of the vile shadow and darkness that all of the the Civilized Realm stands against.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Anywhere in the Realm where Her light does not touch.

Average Intelligence

H’pur Ve’wai do not seems to have any intelligence at all, but the hive exhibits a low cunning predatorial instinct?

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

How they precieve or sense their surroundings in a mystery. When exploratory missions have attempted to recover samples for study, they have failed. 
One mission led by the famous Paragon Solitude Master VanisLi managed to recover a significant sample, only to have it destroyed through a transportation accident. It was the first time, that the H'pur particular weakness to direct sunlight was confirmed. The sample ignited consuming the entire vehicle it was being transported in with flame.
Conservation Status
Jade List - Unknown. H'pur Ve'wai are not included in the Jade List as scholars and specialist have not had opportunities to collect sufficient data, or determine the natural status of these creatures.
Average Height
0.5 Cm in diameter
Average Weight
A few grams
Average Length
2-3 centimeters
Average Physique
Some have reported that the H’pur Ve’wai may excrete a ‘oily’ substance that the area they infest. This may account for their flammability, and for the accounts of experienced explorers of a strange and oddly pleasant, yet sickly smell that has been noted near hive communities.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Palid. Pale. White. Almost sickly.

Danger Level:
If encountered in the darkness.... deadly and horrifying.
If encountered in the light.... deadly, but manageable.
Fast, but due to their diminutive size, some citizens can flee them if not surprised.
  Armour Class:
Negligible. Their bodies are soft and easily crushed. They can be swatted or crushed by hand if you are not panicked and brave.
  Attacks each round:
1 - A bite, but ... they attack as a hive group which fully engulfs an area. Larger hive may engulf larger areas.   Reach:
Touch - the H’pur Ve’wai must be in contact with the prey’s flesh to bite it.
Range - NA.
  Special Qualities:
  They are only found in darkness.
  They will not expose themselves to daylight or bright light.
  They instantly combust when exposed to daylight.
  Various. Depending on what creatures the H’pur Ve’wai have devoured in the past.

  H’pur Ve’wai only attack as a hive unit. They boil from the floor, walls, ceiling, or whatever surface they have been hiding in waiting for prey to step near them. While the worms that have no wings are easier to avoid then the winged worms, the hive mass in its entirety is difficult to avoid. Individually, or even in small numbers the H’pur Ve’wai would no pose a threat, but in the thousands that occupy a hive, they are deadly to almost any medium or smaller sized creature, and are threatening to larger creatures.
When he H’pur Ve’wai attack they attack in an area effect. Those in the area at this start of their turn take damage. Those entering the area take damage. Those leaving the are take damage. And, logically ... larger hives impact larger areas.
Should the H’pur Ve’wai kill their prey, they then inhabit the corpse as a protective shell. They effector posses the corpse, animating it, and then continue to look for further prey. In this way, hives communities move, or splinter off to infest new areas.
Of course, should the hive community ‘stumble’ out into the daylight, they will surely combust as the corpse “shell” will have many holes in which light can strike the H’pur Ve’wai.


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