Tortle Species in Avestra | World Anvil
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Follow your heart, friend.
It can never lead you wrong.
I have faith in you.   Avestra is ancient.
But the people are new here.
Thus, the world is new.   Dark clouds bring dark storms.
But the sun returns always.
Just like life returns.
— A series of Tortle haikus

Basic Information


Tortle are giant turtle humanoids that live within large shells fit for their size. When threatened, they can withdraw into their shell and it can take far more punishment than normal armor would allow. They also have claws that are effective as weapons. Despite being related to turtles, Tortle are excellent swimmers. However, they can hold their breath for up to 1 hour, allowing them to stay longer underwater than other races.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tortles come out of their eggs walking on all fours but within two weeks, they can stand upright and walk on their own. While they appear to be adults by the time they reach age 15, they never physically look old after that point. Only their shells and their size can truly suggest the age of a Tortle.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Tortle mainly keep to coastlines or rainforests with plenty of rain. For this reason, Tortles are common in the Cican Strait, on the coast of the continents and even around the Elu Lake.

Civilization and Culture


Tortles are the longest living race on average in Avestra but despite that, they don't have the most largest impact on history. Tortles have never really had communities of their own, instead they diffused into other people's groups. Due to their long lives, they often became wise men or elders in villages with people going to them for advice or council. They were also great ambassadors between surface dwellers and the people of the sea, preventing conflicts where they could.
But that is not to say they aren't capable fights. They have centuries to hone their talents and for the ones who choose to hone their talents in warfare, they become masters of death. There are quite a few tales about Tortles facing off against the Aberrations and even Eternals commending them. In the Eternal Age, they're one of the few people across Avestra who anyone can count on no matter what.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The people of Avestra view the Tortle as wiseman who they talk to. Even the Elves venerate Tortle as elders since they can live even longer than their own people can, Aasimar Elves not withstanding.
1000 years
Average Height
5 to 6 feet
Average Weight
450 pounds
Related Ethnicities


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