Xanvau Species in Avendora | World Anvil

Xanvau (Zan-vow)

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

DNA from other races is stolen or extracted from the blood and flesh residue on Xanvau weapons after a battle. This DNA is then put into a spawning pool filled with an embryonic liquid (excreted by a Hive Mother) that merges with the new DNA strands to create new Xanvau warriors. It should also be noted that Saurian DNA, due to its complexity, has a high chance of failure when merging with Xanvau embryonic liquid, succeeding only around 11% of the time.

Growth Rate & Stages

Xanvau embryos spend around 2-5 weeks (depending mostly on the host race's DNA) in their spawning pools before emerging fully grown and functional, ready to kill.

Ecology and Habitats

Most Xanvau can survive in virtually any climate and environment besides of course a complete vacuum such as space.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Xanvau subsist off of almost any biological matter but seem to have a special preference for blood and bone marrow.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

65 IQ (Seperated from hive mind) 136 IQ (collective hive mind)
Average Height
Dependent on host race DNA
Average Weight
Dependent on host race DNA
Related Organizations
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