Varnian Bone Rat Species in Avendora | World Anvil

Varnian Bone Rat

Basic Information


These rats have evolved to be able to survive on the irradiated surface of Varn, the skeletons growing on the outside of their bodies instead of within, a special coating in their bone and fur further protecting them from radiation. The 4 glowing orange eyes peer out from a jawless skull, the creatures consuming sustenance via small tentacle appendages on the underside of their head instead of chewing. Their bone-thin legs have internal muscles and tendons, but are fairly weak, the rats only still being able to move quickly due to their light weight and density. While just one Bone Rat encountered in the wild is harmless and can be easily crushed underfoot, they sometimes form massive swarms that actively hunt and take down animals (or people) many times their size, causing death by a million scratches. While Varn has potentially billions of these animals on its surface and in its caves, their meat is sparse, tough, and toxic, making them a non-viable option for food.

Genetics and Reproduction

Bone Rats carry 5-10 children inside of them after fertilization. Disturbingly, instead of giving birth normally, the children push out of the mother from the inside, killing her in the process.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The rats hunt bugs or other creatures smaller than themselves when alone, but in packs they often take down targets many time their size, suffocating them with sheer numbers.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

4 eyes allow the rats an excellent sense of motion, but still objects are nearly undetectable to them, rustling in the frequent collision of their skulls with local terrain.
~1 year
Conservation Status
Average Height
Average Weight
3 lbs
Average Length
Geographic Distribution


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