Pyarlii Species in Avendora | World Anvil

Pyarlii (P-yar-lee-eye)

Pyarlii resemble giant spacefaring jellyfish, roaming around the galaxy in search of energy based food. Some countries enact laws to protects their peaceful passage through their territory while others hunt them ruthlessly for their resources.

Basic Information


Resembling a massive, occasionally near to planet size jellyfish, Pyarlii have one huge hollow half sphere shaped body with numerous tentacles lining the outside edge and one much larger central tail. This central tail mainly acts as more surface area to absorb light and radiation (as well as their bodies) while the smaller and more numerous tentacles are used to propel the creatures through space. They accomplish this be somehow converting energy they have previously observed into physical drag that they can then push off of, causing lateral movement. This being a relatively slow form of transportation, Pyarlii can also utilize what scientists suspect to be some little-understood Void capabilities to latch on to other large areas of matter and drag themselves towards it with nothing more than their minds (which are contained at the base of the creature’s central tail). They often use this ability to either trail behind ships and asteroids or slingshot themselves to areas of higher radiation concentration.

Genetics and Reproduction

Pyarlii reproduce asexually when their tails reach a certain length (typically when it gets to be around 6-9 times the width of their bodies), the tail detaching along with a small portion of brain stem for the original specimen which is regenerated afterwards. The tail then slowly grows its own body and motor tentacles and becomes fully autonomous. Because Pyarlii can theoretically reproduce at any age or size so long as their tails are developed enough, “baby” Pyarlii can be almost any size as they start out nearly the same size as their parent. This seems to be why they are so large, as each successive “baby” Pyarlii is bigger than the last.

Ecology and Habitats

Pyarlii exist exclusively within the vacuum of space.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Pyarlii subsist by absorbing the various kinds of radiation that exist in the vacuum of space, weather that be solar radiation and sunlight, or nuclear/plasma radiation emitted by more artificial constructions. Becasue of their diet, Pyarlii have been known to trail behind especially large fleets of space vessels, consuming the trails of light and radiation left behind by the crafts.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Pyarlii flesh can be harvested and made into solar panels, radiation absorbing or resistant material, and other similar things.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Across all of Avendora and beyond, typically near stars or other sources of light and radiation.

Average Intelligence

Unknown, but thought to be slightly higher than that of an amoeba.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

These creatures do not see, hear, or smell in any traditional sense. Instead they sense radiation or sunlight with the very primitive and rudimentary photo receptors covering their bodies.
Average Length
Thousands to millions of miles.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pyarlii are usually translucent and their coloring seems to be based on what their diet has consisted of recently. In addition, when they are absorbing high amounts of energy or radiation they begin to glow so as to shed excess energy and not burn out their radiation absorption cells. If dangerous amounts of energy are being absorbed that can’t be let off simply through glowing, Pyarlii can change their outer skin pigment to be reflective and stop absorbing outside energy.


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