Krauthican Species in Avendora | World Anvil

Krauthican (Kr-ow-thick-ann)

Krauthicans have pasty white/blue skin that burns extremely easily on contact with sunlight. Their eyes are large and pure black, set in a pointed shark-like head, able to see in almost complete darkness. This makes also makes them very sensitive to seeing light, leading to them wearing special light-blocking suits and helmets any time they are not on one of their night worlds or black ships. Their mouthes consist of thousands of needle teeth protruding both outward and back into their gaping mouths. The average height of a Krauthican is 6.5-7 feet. They are quite strong, even for their size, able to tear a human male in half with relative ease. They eat and drink exclusively blood, always sucked from a living thing. It doesn’t seem to matter much to them who or what the blood comes from. This is achieved due to their teeth being hollow, their quantity allowing the complete draining of a victim within seconds. Additionally, Krauthicans do not possess vocal cords, (their mouths are not connected to an esophagus, instead ending in a fleshy sack used to store excess blood) alternatively using clicking noises produced by some organ in the tip of their “nose” for communication.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Krauthicans have a very bizarre form of reproduction, asexually producing fertilized eggs that are stored in the flesh sack within their mouth. Blood not sucked through the parent Krauthican’s teeth pools in the egg pouch and serves as sustenance to aid in the growing of the usually dozen or so eggs stored there. When the eggs grow enough to be viable they are vomited out, where they hatch within a few hours and begin their horrifying lives.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

85 IQ
150 years
Average Height
6.5-7 ft
Average Weight
280-310 lbs
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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