Kordoa Material in Avendora | World Anvil

Kordoa (Core-doh-uh)


Material Characteristics

These rock sheets have strange, complicated, almost geometric shapes scattered all through them. While barely visible normally, these shaped and patterns are slightly elevated and thus become highly visible and high tempetures when the elevated regions begin to glow emerald green.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Kordoa is the most heat resistant material in the known universe. As such, it cannot be collected with typical mining lasers because it simply absorbs all the heat instead of melting away. So, as if drilling to the center of a planet wasn’t hard enough, harvesting of this rock is only possible through tedious physical drilling.

History & Usage


This rocky material is most often found near the core of various planets across the galaxy, with the most notable exception being the nodules on the surface of Dhorn as well as a few various asteroids scattered in space (presumed to be fragments from the cores of long destroyed ancient celestial bodies).

Manufacturing & Products

Kordoa is most often used in vehicles, buildings, or machinery that needs to withstand tremendous amounts of heat, such as the surface of a star and the like.
Rock, Metamorphic
Matte black, edges glow green when superheated
Melting / Freezing Point
807,500° F
3x Steel
Related Locations


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