Imperial Walren Naval Gunnery in Avendora | World Anvil

Imperial Walren Naval Gunnery

What is naval gunnery: The art of naval gunnery goes back as far as Stellar Vessles have fought amongst the stars. it is the act and skill of sending volleys of lead at the enemy and all of the tasks that are included, from loading and firing the gun, cleaning, and many other things.   The gun crews: The average Imperial gun crew consists of around 15 men, a midshipman, a loader, two barrel men, a gunner, five replacements, and five powder monkeys... each crewmember has a specific job so let's start from the top. the midshipman is usually a Lieutenant and is the officer in charge of the gun, his role is to give orders to the crew of his gun. the loader is tasked with calling for rounds and managing ammunition aswell as loading the gun, he is also over the powder monkeys. next is the Barrel men, their task is to clean and sponge the gun after every 5 or so shots depending on the gun. next is the gunner, the gunners job is simply to aim and fire the gun. obviously replacements are to replace crew members that become casualties l, however their additional use is to carry off wounded men or help the powder monkeys. which brings us to the powder monkeys, their task to to haul ammunition and propellant from the carts to the loader and assist in loading the gun.   Gun types: there are several different types on guns available on naval vessels, the main types are Shell guns, Railguns, Energy weapons, and light weapons... Shell guns are any type of heavy cannon that fires a Solid metal projectile larger than 15in, Railguns fire thin metal rods that are propelled by magnetic rails. energy weapons are weapons that use electricity, plasma, or lasers of any kind. and finally light weapons such as point defense or machine guns.   Gun mounting: The three main types of gun mounts are, Turret, Casemate, and fixed. turret and fixed guns are obvious in the title of what they are... and a casemate is a semi-fixed gun usually mounted in the side of the hull... these casemates can usually traverse around 40° to either side.   Shot types: there are generally five main types of shot used by the navy Solid Shell, Canister, Chain, Needle, and flak... solid shot is an Explosive AP Shell that is the most common type. Canister Essentially turns the gun into a shotgun aimed at killing crew. Chain shot (or sometimes web shot) is used for targeting Rigging or antenna on enemy ships. Needle shot is functionally an APFSDS round just larger for naval use. and finally Flak is used for AA purposes and is set to explode at a certain distance after being fired letting loose a hail of shrapnel.   Targeting priorities: When a ship is engaged in combat they Master of gunnery on the bridge will pick out targets and coordinate fire from all the guns on the ship... when a ship is in combat with another, the first priority will be communication or command, then propulsion, then the hull and weapons.   Gunnery commands: When a gun is attempting to fire the commands will sound like this...   Midshipman: "Load gun, Soild-Shot, 3 Propellant, march!"   Loader: "March!"   *Shell is then brought and loaded*   Loader: "Up and ready!"   Gunner: "Aye!"   Midshipman: "Crew clear!"   *crew backs clear*   Midshipman: "Fire!"   Gunner: "On the way!"   *fires gun*   Loader: "Clear gun!"   *repeat*   Naval maneuvers based on gunnery: Most of the time the ship will be maneuvering in a line of battle with the rest of the formation. however, in a confused melee a ship might need to manuver to line up its guns for a broadside or need to angle a certain way for the best effect... this is a joint effort between the captain and the master of gunnery.


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