HVAPPS Round Item in Avendora | World Anvil

HVAPPS Round (Hyper Velicotiy Armor Peircing Plasma Sabot)

Mechanics & Inner Workings

HVAPPS rounds are designed to defeat heavily armored targets. They accomplish this by reaching such a high velocity (several thousand times the speed of sound) that the sabot core itself begins to burn up and turn its own molecular structure to pure plasma. Due to this extreme heat the air in the cabin if a punctured tank will combust, usually killing the crew instantly. However, because these rounds eventually turn entirely to plasma, they loose much of their penetration power once ranges exceed 1.5 miles, the target being hit not with a solid sabot penetrating projectile but a colum of pure plasma. This will still melt through dozens of inches of solid Davantium, but can be defeated far easier by reactive armor.   Due to the burning plasma, it often appears as if a laser weapon is being discharged when this round is fired, a solid line of nealry pure white tinged with orange or red connecting the muzzle of the weapon to its target for a split second. In addition, such a high speed solid projectile creates a tremendously loud boom, akin to a lighting strike. The concussive force is such that it necessitates any friendly infantry not inside a vehicle to be clear of the area lest they possibly receive traumatic brain injuries.
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