Atalanti Species in Avendora | World Anvil

Atalanti (At-uh-lan-tee)

Atalantis are aquatic humanoid beings that possess blue skin and water breathing organs. In addition, their hands and feet are webbed to allow for easier swimming. When they need to be places where water doesn’t cover everything, they wear special mechanized suits filled with water. Additionally, their ships are all filled with water and possess domes for view ports and observation decks. They are a naturally intelligent race and have advanced very quickly in technology during their relatively short existence in Avendora.

Basic Information


Atalantis are constantly sucking in water through their nostril gills in the center of their face via their 3 specialized lungs that overlap in their breathing so that there is always one pulling in water so that oxygen can be collected. Once filtered for its oxygen, the water is then expelled via 2 tubes in the cheek regions on their heads. Their eyes have clear lids that cannot open, allowing Atalantis to always see without getting contaminants in their eyes. They also produce clicking noises via a special organ in their head which they use for navigation with echolocation. The feedback from the clicks as well as any other vibrational information is perceived by an Atalanti through the sensitive bone ridges around their skull. Lastly, the fin-like webs in between their fingers and toes allow them to propel themselves through water at much higher speeds that other sentient races, though not as fast as many fish of course.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction for this race is all achieved externally, with unfertilized eggs being deposited in a safe location at regular intervals by the females of the species, and the males fertilizing the eggs by releasing fertilizer into the water. Very disturbingly to some races, Atalantis will also often eat the unfertilized eggs to conserve resources.

Ecology and Habitats

Oxygen based water is essential for Atalanti survival, though they can survive in water with a surprisingly high variance in temperature, Atalanti worlds being colonized in the tropical water to under the arctic ices.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Atalantis consume mainly various small fish and sea flora, as well as gaining protein from various deep sea algae and the like. They do not need to drink, as water is absorbed naturally through their skin as well as their lungs as they breath. Large factions within the Atalanti Republic have taken to eschewing the consumption of other living beings in more recent times, some even protesting eating their own unfertilized eggs. These people rely on sea vegetation as well as imported alien foods to survive.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

200 IQ

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Atalanti can perceive objects as far as several hundred feet away with their echolocation, and even farther with their traditional vision, though due to their thicker translucent eyelids they cannot resolve quite as clear a picture as average air breathing races. In addition to echolocation, Atalantis use their clicking organ for communication via rapid and varied clicks, volume, pitch, frequency, and pauses all being assembled into a language. This can sound like static to other races, and thus any Atalanti that will be interacting with other races has a built in translator that translates their clicks into comprehensible speech for any programmed language.
125 years
Average Height
Average Weight
125 lbs
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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