Draigmaw Vale Geographic Location in Avaria | World Anvil

Draigmaw Vale

In the heart of the reach, south of Kaldur’s Gauntlet., surrounded by mountains is Draigmaw Vale.   It is a lush and verdant land of hills and valleys dominated by thick forests   It is the home of several dangerous creatures including the fearsome Dread Wyvern.   Despite its dangers a group of Sylvari that came to be known as the Veridian Conclave founded their forest city of Halathel and within the Eldurin Forest, the largest of the woods within the Vale.


The Vale is an expanse of forests and waterfalls bordered to the North, West and South by mountain ranges. Originally the site of some catastrophe that sunk the land and carved the vale from the mountains, rivers form the surrounding lands run through the vale and attract an abundance of life. From the Peaks of the Thunderhills or the Emberglow Mountains, the Vale looks like a vast emerald sea stretching for a hundred miles and more.   Surrounding the forests are fertile grasslands and long winding rivers, each with a myriad of dangers.

Fauna & Flora

The vale is home to an abundance of life, primal mana suffuses everything causing the trees to grow hundreds of feet tall. In the centre of the Eldurin Forest is a gargantuan tree several hundred feet tall. This is Halathel the heart tree and home of the Veridian Conclave.   Amongst the forests, all manner of creatures lives and hunt and die. The most dangerous in the Dread Wyvern that nest in the Thunderhills.


It is not known what caused the creation of the vale, from a high enough vantage the faintest outline of a massive crater can still be seen.


People do not visit the vale for pleasure. Some braving the dangers seek to explore and find lost treasures, very few of those return with their lives, none with spoils.
Alternative Name(s)
The Emerald heart of Caldaris
Owning Organization
Contested By
Inhabiting Species