Avarite Material in Avaria | World Anvil


Mined from sites of great arcane power known as @Catalysts. Avarite is crystallised mana in its most raw and unrefined form.


Material Characteristics

Each Avarite vein is unique based on the mana that formed it. All are a rough crystalized gem and grow from fissures or in caves.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The properties of Avarite vary wildly based on the type of mana. Primal mana crystals grow wild and spread like the lines on a leaf, while Divine mana may cause the formation of an Avarite spire. However all varieties are durable, cool to the touch and pulse with light of various hues.


Avarite is a raw resource, it is infused with mana in an unstable and dangerous form. Among the peoples of Avaria there exist those with the skill to work the unrefined Avarite into Arc Stones. These individuals, known as Arcsmiths in the The Valgardian Empire, Kael’Thalnar and Thylea are trained to the highest possible standards to work with the hazardous materials and work them into safe and stable Arcstones that are used to contain the wild energies into useable magic enchantments for weapons, armour and jewellery.

Geology & Geography

Avarite is pure crystalised mana and can grow anywhere the lands magic is strongest. Normally this is in caves or deep beneath the surface. However, there have been veins of Avarite within Waterfalls, in the centre of peaceful meadows or under the waves.

Origin & Source

When the wild magic of Avaria flows strongly through a particular location the mana can warp the land and collect in places known as catalysts. Over time the surrounding land is infused with this mana and Avarite crystals are forms.
Ranges from brilliant greens to soft glowing reds.
Common State
Raw Crystalline Deposits.