A Haunting Despair in Avara | World Anvil

A Haunting Despair

"Despair -- a complete loss or absense of hope."

  "a complete loss or absense..."

I have met Despair. He's my neighbor. We get along as good as we can, but he insists on coming into my home. He comes over every day, and knocks on my door.

"Hello, dear friend," he'll say, "may I come in?"

I say, "No." and close the door. Only for him to knock a few minutes later.

He is a persistent thing. He comes whenever he wishes. And whenever he is unwanted. He likes to slip inside my home when I'm not looking. However, I will never invite him in.

For what would become of me if I did?

  "...of hope"

Hope is flippant. At least, to me she is. Coming and going. Never staying at my home for long. However, I will always invite Hope in. She seems to be the only thing Despair takes seriously. The only thing Despair shies away from.

But Hope never stays long. And the moment she is out my door, Despair comes over and knocks on my door, asking, "My dear friend, it seems you are in need of company. Won't you invite me in?"


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Oct 9, 2023 19:05

Sounds like some poetry in this one, you can definitely expand it

Oct 9, 2023 19:08 by Jacqueline Yang

Be more specific. What do you think/want me to expand on?

Oct 9, 2023 23:21

I just mean that these both end in questions and could possibly be stretched into a Shakespeare style soliloquy on both. Also I suppose it is just that since these are excerpts I just don't know the full context. You are good at excerpts then going back and fleshing things out. I suppose I just never had a talent for it.

Oct 10, 2023 00:02 by Jacqueline Yang

Hmm, yeah that's an interesting idea.   And thank you